social / pragma.account / AccountService / bulkActionOperatorV1 /
bulkActionOperatorV1 #
suspend fun bulkActionOperatorV1(operatorSession: OperatorSession, request: AccountRpc.BulkActionOperatorV1Request): AccountRpc.BulkActionOperatorV1Response
Filters players based on the PlayerSearchFilter and executes an action based on the BulkActionDelegator.
- BulkActionPlugin.needsFullPragmaAccount returns true if ExtBulkAction needs to pull full account data.
- BulkActionPlugin.apply executes the action if request has defined a ExtBulkAction.
- PragmaError.AccountService_Error when BulkActionDelegator has an unknown action.
- PragmaError.AccountService_IdProviderMissing when searching for a provider account id without specifying an IdProvider type