Create Player Controller and Blueprint #

In this section, we’ll create the C++ player controller and associated Blueprints.


Create C++ classes #

Open your Unreal project. In the Unreal Editor Content Browser under C++ Classes, create a new C++ player controller and name it MyPlayerController. This creates the MyPlayerController.h header file and the MyPlayerController.cpp source file.

After the player controller is created, right-click on it in the Content Browser and create a Blueprint class based on it. We recommend creating this Blueprint class in a new directory dedicated to Blueprints.

Next, create another Blueprint class. Choose Game Mode Base as the parent, and name this class GM_TutorialGameModeBase. After it’s created, double-click it to bring up the Class Defaults view. Under Player Controller Class, select MyPlayerController.

Writing the code #

  1. Add the following code to your MyPlayerController.h header file:

    #pragma once
    #include "CoreMinimal.h"
    #include "GameFramework/PlayerController.h"
    #include "PragmaPtr.h"
    #include "PragmaGameInstanceSubsystem.h"
    #include "PragmaResult.h"
    #include "MyPlayerController.generated.h"
    // Forward declares Pragma pointer types using the PRAGMA_FWD macro supplied by `PragmaPtr.h`.
    class UNREALTUTORIAL_API AMyPlayerController : public APlayerController
        //Called when the `AMyPlayerController` is created.
        virtual void BeginPlay() override;
        //Additional Unreal functions can be added here
    	// Weak pointer to our Pragma Player owned by the PragmaLocalPlayerSubsystem.
        Pragma::FPlayerPtr Player;
        Pragma::FRuntimePtr Runtime;
  2. Add the following code to your MyPlayerController.cpp source file:

    #include "MyPlayerController.h"
    #include "PragmaPlayer.h"
    #include "Services/Party/PragmaParty.h"
    #include "PragmaLocalPlayerSubsystem.h"
    void AMyPlayerController::BeginPlay()
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Initializing") );
        const auto* Subsystem = GetLocalPlayer()->GetSubsystem<UPragmaLocalPlayerSubsystem>();
        // Main entrypoint into Pragma and automatically initialized in the PragmaGameInstanceSubsystem.
        auto RuntimeA = Subsystem->Runtime();
        // Set configuration for the SDK before logging in.
        RuntimeA->Config().BackendAddress = "";
        RuntimeA->Config().ProtocolType = EPragmaProtocolType::WebSocket;
        RuntimeA->Config().GameClientVersion = "GameServerVersion1";
        // Player object represents the current player's session with the Pragma Backend and is 
        //created automatically by the `UPragmaLocalPlayerSubsystem`.
        Player = Subsystem->Player();