Pragma Engine 0.0.69

May 24th, 2022

Features #

  • New Party service endpoint makes it possible for parties to be joined directly by party ID.
    • Description: New Party Service endpoint available at JoinWithPartyIdV1. You can use this to write automated party invite flows in your UI.
  • You can now validate cross-content IDs under ext fields.
    • Description: We’ve added a way to validate cross-content IDs under ext fields. All content validation occurs when you run the contentdata apply command and on startup. If any invalid content is found, you should get an error message letting you know which content object has a problem.
  • Portal: Full Access List now available.
    • Description: Operators can now create a full access list for players, such as friends and family. This can be managed in the Game Title Management section, at the bottom of the Shard page.
  • Portal: Ability to delete player groups added.
    • Description: Operators can now delete player groups. To delete a player group, select the group name on the Groups page, click the Edit Details button at the top right of the page, and click the red Delete group button.

Deprecations #

  • Replace listed InventoryRpc protos by release 0.0.70.
    OriginalReplacementRemoval Patch

Integrations #

  • Update custom MatchEndBuilders to MatchEndV2 to support hidden inventory.
    • Description: To support hidden inventory, we’ve updated the Inventory service MatchEnd endpoint and InventoryMatchEndBuilder. You will need to update custom MatchEndBuilders to look for the new MatchEndV2Response.
    • The contents of the MatchEnd response have also changed. If you currently inspect the UpdateSummaries that come back from InventoryService in custom MatchEndBuilder, the new response contains a ServiceUpdateSummary, which is composed of two UpdateSummary objects.
    • Until you start using hidden inventory, the player UpdateSummary field is equivalent to what was there before.
    • Integration steps:
      • If you have custom MatchEndBuilders inspecting context, you will need to update what they look for:
  • Update references to the Party plugin’s PartyPlayer inventory field.
    • Description: The Party plugin’s PartyPlayer inventory field has a new type. This new class contains two InventoryDatas with content split using the new hidden inventory system.
    • Integration steps:
      • Update references using inventory and underlying fields on a PartyPlayer. Until hidden inventory is configured, use the player InventoryData object as the equivalent of the old inventory field.

Docs #

  • [New Category] Starter Kit documentation has been added.
  • [Updated Services Guide] JoinWithPartyIdV1 added to Party Services Guide.