Configure Defaults #

You can use the FriendsServiceConfig configuration block to define default values for the Friend and Presence services.

Configure maximum pending sent or received invites #

Developers can set a maximum number of sent or received invites a player can have in a pending state at one time (default 20). When a pending sent or received invite is accepted, rejected, or canceled, the player can again send or receive invites. To set a custom maximum, override the maxPendingSentInvites and/or maxPendingSentInvites configurations:


Disable presence updates #

The enablePresenceUpdates configuration setting in the FriendServiceConfig configuration block of your configuration file determines whether presence statuses can be updated. By default, this value is true. To disable both basic and rich presence updates, set enablePresenceUpdates to false.

        enablePresenceUpdates: false

The Presence API’s GetPresenceCache method is still available and will return presence values (if any) at the time enablePresenceUpdates was set to false. A player’s presence status will still be removed when the player logs out.