Send and Receive Party Invites #
Using party invites, players can directly invite other players to join their party.This topic provides instructions on how to send, receive, and cancel party invites.
Send a party invite #
Party invites are not sent until the Party interface’s sendInvite()
method is called. This method can be invoked in the following ways:
- from the player client Party API
method and the Party PluginhandlePlayerSendInviteRequest()
method - directly from any Party Plugin method
To facilitate sending an invitation through the Party API for Unreal and Unity, use PartyApi.SendPartyInvite()
with the invitee’s player ID:
const FString& PlayerId,
const FOnInviteSentDelegate& OnComplete
PragmaId inviteePlayerId,
CompleteDelegate onComplete
"requestId": 2,
"type": "PartyRpc.SendInviteV1Request",
"payload": {
"inviteePlayerId": "f9525239-cd99-425d-9f14-1ff948c02553"
calls the Party Plugin’s handlePlayerSendInviteRequest()
method, which you can customize to allow/disallow a player to send a party invite. By default, handlePlayerSendInviteRequest()
calls Party.Party.sendInvite()
suspend fun handlePlayerSendInviteRequest(
party: Party.Party,
requestingPlayer: Party.PartyPlayer,
inviteePlayerId: PlayerId
) {
party.sendInvite(requestingPlayer.playerId, inviteePlayerId)
The player who receives the invite can handle the OnPartyInviteReceived
and OnReceivedPartyInvitesChanged
If a player sends a party invite to another player who already has an unanswered invite from the first player, the original invite is revoked and replaced with the new invite. On the platform side, the revoking process is the same as the invite cancellation process (see Cancel party invite).
Cancel a party invite #
Players can cancel a sent party invite provided the invite has not yet been accepted or rejected.
Party invites are not canceled until the Party interface’s cancelInvite()
method is called. This method can be invoked in the following ways:
- from the player client SDK
method and the Party PluginhandlePlayerCancelInviteRequest()
method - directly from any Party Plugin method
To facilitate cancelling an invitation through the Party API for Unreal and Unity, use PartyApi.CancelPartyInvite()
with the invite ID:
const FString& InviteId,
const FOnCompleteDelegate& OnComplete
PragmaId inviteId,
CompleteDelegate onComplete
calls the Party Plugin’s handlePlayerCancelInviteRequest()
method, which you can customize to allow/disallow a player to cancel a party invite. By default, handlePlayerCancelInviteRequest()
calls Party.Party.cancelInvite()
with the invite ID if the requesting player is the inviter or the party leader:
suspend fun handlePlayerCancelInviteRequest(
party: Party.Party,
requestingPlayer: Party.PartyPlayer,
invite: Party.PartyInvite
) {
if (invite.inviter.playerId != requestingPlayer.playerId || !requestingPlayer.isLeader) {
"Player '${requestingPlayer.playerId}' cannot cancel invite '${}'. A party invite can only be canceled by the inviter or a leader of the party.")
The player who originally received the invite gets an OnReceivedPartyInviteCancelled
and OnReceivedPartyInvitesChanged
event. All players in the party get the OnPartyInviteCancelled
Accept a party invite #
To accept a party invite through the Party API for Unreal and Unity, use PartyApi.AcceptInvite()
with the following information:
: ID of the party invite to acceptExtPlayerJoinRequest
: Use this payload to specify custom player data, such as a selected champion, to pass to theonAddPlayer()
plugin method when a player is added to a partygameServerZoneToPing
: (optional) a ping map. You can change this value later (seeSetPartyPlayerGameServerZoneToPing
const FString& InviteId,
const FPragma_Party_ExtPlayerJoinRequest& ExtPlayerJoinRequest,
const TMap<FString, int>& GameServerZoneToPing,
const FOnCompleteDelegate& FOnCompleteDelegate
PragmaId inviteId,
ExtPlayerJoinRequest extPlayerJoinRequest,
Dictionary<string, int> gameServerZoneToPing,
CompleteDelegate onComplete
When a player accepts a party invite via AcceptPartyInvite()
, the Party service adds the player to the party and invokes the Party Plugin onAddPlayer()
method. See handle added players.
All players in the party are notified with the OnPartyInviteAccepted
Decline a party invite #
To decline a party invite through the Party API for Unreal and Unity, use PartyApi.DeclineInvite()
with the invite ID:
const FString& InviteId,
const FOnCompleteDelegate& FOnCompleteDelegate
PragmaId inviteId,
CompleteDelegate onComplete
When a player declines a party invite, all players in the party are notified with the OnPartyInviteDeclined
Related events and errors #
Related events:
- OnPartyInviteReceived
- OnPartyInviteCancelled
- OnPartyInviteDeclined
- OnReceivedPartyInvitesChanged
- OnReceivedPartyInviteCancelled
- OnPartyInviteRevoked
Related errors:
- PartyService_SendInviteFailed
- PartyService_CancelInviteFailed