This section provides references for Multiplayer plugins, classes, configuration values, and ext data defined in the Pragma Engine backend. For specifics on using the Pragma APIs for Unreal and Unity, see the Multiplayer API Reference.
The PartyConfig configuration class provides a place to define default values for the Party service.
Maximum players allowed in each party
Whether to disable maximum player per party restriction
Whether to transfer party leader status from one player to another when invoking AssignPartyLeader
Whether to allow game clients to override their game server version for local development purposes
Map of all the server versions to compatible game client versions
Whether to enable the party expiration feature. Defaults to true.
Time (in minutes) to wait before terminating a party. 0 or negative values means parties will never timeout. Will be ignored if enableStalePartyExpiration is false.
Interval, in seconds, between checking for expiration of timeouts on the service
You can use Extension Data (exts) to define custom data about players and parties as the party travels through the game loop. These fields are stored on the Party or PartyPlayer classes, and are passed to other plugins as necessary.
The following table lists the ext payloads relevant to party and player information.
example data
Party data passed from the player client to the Party Plugin’s initialize method during party creation
map or game mode
Data related to the player joining the party. This ext is passed from the player client to the Party Plugin when the player is added to a party.
selected character
Additional party data for the platform to use. This ext is populated when a party is created, and is stored in the engine for the life of the party. This data is for platform use and is hidden by default.
matchmaking style, game instance duration
Additional data about a single player in a party. This ext is populated when a player joins a party, and is stored in the engine for as long as the player is in the party. This data is for platform use and is hidden by default.
costume catalog id
Party data that is populated by the Party Plugin’s buildExtBroadcastParty method and passed to all player clients on the OnPartyChanged event when their party is updated (including party creation and destruction)
game mode, game instance duration
Player data that is populated by the Party Plugin’s buildExtBroadcastPlayer method and passed to all player clients when their party is updated (including party creation and destruction) Players receive a separate ExtBroadcastPlayer payload on the OnPartyChanged event for each player in the party.
selected character
Private player data that is populated by the Party Plugin’s buildExtPrivatePlayer method and passed to a player client when their party is updated (including party creation and destruction). Each player receives only their own ExtPrivatePlayer payload on the OnPartyChanged event.
VoIP token
Party data passed from a player client to the Party Plugin’s updateParty method. Information sent on this payload updates the data stored in the ExtParty proto.
updated game mode
Player data passed from a player client to the Party Plugin’s updatePlayer method. Information sent on this payload updates the data stored in the ExtPartyPlayer proto.
updated inventory version, costume, character
Party data passed from a backend service via the PartyApi backend class. Populated by the PartyPlugin.handleBackendUpdateRequest() method.
Represents a running game instance, and includes details about the parties, players, and a custom-defined payload of extra game information that will be used to create the game instance.
Represents a player within a game instance.
Use to store custom data about both the game instance and its players.
Determines accessibility of information on the game instance’s data store. Information in a data store can be synced with one or more players in the game instance, or hidden.
GameInstanceApi.kt backend class
Entrypoint to the game instance service from other backend services or plugins.
Represents a subset of game instance data.
Represents a subset of game player data.
Represents data sent to the game server when a game server is allocated for a game instance.
The GameInstanceServiceConfig provides a place to define default values for game instance and game server operations.
Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a game server to send a getGameStartData request before allocation is marked as failed. If using the Pragma Fleet Service, this configuration value should match the Fleet Service serverMaxStartDurationMillis config value.
Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a game server to send a connect players request before releasing the players attached to the game instance
Enables the keep alive interval, which specifies the interval within which a game server needs to send a keep alive request. If the game server does not send a request within this interval, the the game instance will be released from the service.
Interval, in milliseconds, to wait between keep alive requests. This value will be ignored if enableKeepAlive is false.
Number of keep alive request the game server can miss before releasing the game instance from the service. This value will be ignored if enableKeepAlive is false.
Interval, in seconds, between checking for expiration of timeouts on the service
Determines whether the player is removed from their game instance upon disconnect. Defaults to false.
Enables additional timing metrics to diagnose performance issues within the CreateGameInstanceV1 endpoint
Enables the absolute timeout that will release a game from the service after a specific amount of time has elapsed. Defaults to true.
Time, in minutes, to wait before releasing a game instance. A 0 or negative values means games will never timeout. This value will be ignored if enableStaleGameInstanceExpiration is false.
See the Game Server section in the documentation for more information on game server operations.
You can use Extension Data (exts) to pass custom information between different Pragma components for the duration of the game instance. Fields in the various exts can be stored on the engine, or forwarded to plugins, game servers, and player clients through other exts.
The following table lists the ext payloads relevant to game instance information.
Example data
Defines the structure of game instance and game player data stored within the DataStore. Populated in any method of the GameInstancePlugin and used in the backend, player clients, and game servers.
player’s team color, game mode
Game instance data provided to the game server starting the game. When the game server is allocated for a game instance, it calls getGameStartDataV1(), which invokes the Game Instance Plugin’s buildExtGameStart() method.
game instance duration
Player data provided to the game server by the Game Instance service. When the game server is allocated for a game instance, it calls getGameStartDataV1(), which invokes the Game Instance Plugin’s buildExtGameServerPlayer() method for each player in the game instance.
Steam ID
Connection details populated by the game server and used when a game instance is ready for players to join. Players receive the connect details in the OnHostConnectionDetailsReceived notification.
game server zone/region
Data about a new game instance that is forwarded from a backend request to create a game instance.
game mode
Data about a new game instance that is forwarded from the player client’s request to create a game instance.
game mode
Data to assist in game server allocation. Populated by GameServerProviderPlugin.startAllocationForGameInstance()
game mode (3v3, 1v1, etc.) or game version (beta, trial, etc.)
Payload populated by player clients defining what updates to make to a game instance
connection details in peer-to-peer setups
Payload sent via the game server’s UpdateGameInstance() SDK method defining what updates to make to a game instance
advance the current game phase
Payload containing data to use when adding a player to an existing game instance via backend services or processes.
reason for adding
Payload for a specific player being added to a game instance via the handleBackendAddPlayersRequest().
character selection
Data about the player joining the game instance via the Game Instance API.
character selection
Data about the player requesting to leave the game instance.
reason for leaving
Payload containing data to use when removing a player from a game instance via backend services or processes.
reason for removal
Payload for a specific player being removed from a game instance via the handleBackendRemovePlayersRequest().
removal data
Player data populated by the Game Instance Plugin’s handleBackendRemovePlayersRequest() method and sent to the removed player client in the OnRemovedFromGame notification when the player is removed from a game instance
rewards delta
Custom data passed from the game server to the backend during unlink requests.
reason for unlinking
Game instance data sent from the game server to the Game Instance Plugin’s handleBackendEndRequest() method when a game instance ends
game metrics
Player data passed from the game server to the Game Instance Plugin’s handleBackendEndRequest() method via the PlayerGameResult list when a game instance ends
completed missions, points gained
Player data populated by the Game Instance Plugin’s handleBackendEndRequest() method and sent to the player in the OnGameEnded notification when a game instance ends. Players previously removed from the game instance can still receive this information.
Represents a party or group of parties involved in the matchmaking process. Parties in Matchable objects are not yet active, and can be moved between Matchable objects.
Represents a party in matchmaking. The object provides access to any party details that might be necessary to evaluate when making matchmaking decisions.
Represents a single player within matchmaking. The object provides access to any player-specific data that might be necessary to evaluate when making matchmaking decisions.
Represents a game that has re-entered matchmaking to find more players.
Represents an active player in a Matchmaking.GameInstance.
Represents a successful matchmaking result that will be used to allocate a new game.
Represents an update to an active game instance that is in matchmaking.
MatchmakingApi.kt backend class
Entrypoint to the matchmaking service from other backend services or plugins.
The following table lists the ext payloads relevant to matchmaking. These exts are passed to the matchParties() and matchPartiesWithGame() plugin methods to inform matchmaking logic.
Example data
Data that defines a matchmaking queue’s unique properties. When the matchmaking service adds parties to queues, it only allows a party to join a specific queue if the party’s properties match those defined in the queue’s ExtMatchmakingKey. Populated by PartyPlugin.buildExtMatchmakingKey
game mode
Party data the matchmaking service needs to know during the matchmaking process. This data is populated by buildExtMatchmakingParty and persists on the engine for the duration of the party’s time in matchmaking.
matchmaking style, game instance duration
Player data the matchmaking service needs to know during the matchmaking process. This data is populated by buildExtMatchmakingPlayer and persists on the engine for the duration of the player’s time in the party that is in matchmaking.
selected character
Game instance data the matchmaking service needs to know during the matchmaking process. This data is populated by buildExtMatchmakingGameInstance and persists on the engine for the duration of the game instance’s time in matchmaking.
game phase
Data specific to a player within a game instance that is currently in matchmaking. This data is populated by buildExtMatchmakingGamePlayer and persists on the engine for the duration of the player’s time in the matchmaking game instance.
selected character
Stores the result of in-memory calculations performed within the Matchmaking loop. Modifiable in any MatchmakingPlugin method that accepts a Matchable object as a parameter.
Use to allocate a game server for a game instance.
A GameServerProviderPlugin implementation that will run a game server executable on the local machine. Use this plugin to make your local development more similar to your non-local environments.
Use to define a game server fleet management model.
A FleetPlugin implementation to use when running game servers using local hardware.
A GameServerProviderPlugin implementation to use with the Pragma Fleet service.
The configuration for a server pool management policy.
Unique ID for this server capacity pool management policy
Maximum number of game instances that can run on a single game server. Value must be at least 1.
Minimum game capacity allocated at all times
Maximum game capacity allocated at all times
Preferred available game capacity defined as a percentage of used game capacity
Maximum duration, in milliseconds, a game server can take to start before the allocation is declared failed. This configuration value should match the Game Instance Service gameServerAllocationTimeoutMillis config value.
Millisecond interval at which a game server should report its capacity
Number of heartbeats that can be missed before a game server is considered unresponsive
Maximum duration, in milliseconds, the platform will wait for capacity to resolve for a game instance before ejecting it
Consider what capacityFloor and capacityCeiling values are appropriate for your environment. Setting these values too low or too high can lead to undesirable game instance load.
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