Identity Providers Reference #
Data classes #
Id Provider Account #
contains third party user identification information that Pragma uses to create and authenticate accounts.
property | description |
idProvider | enum of the identity provider. |
accountId | string Unique identitifer that the third party uses to associate a player with their account. |
displayName | string Display name that the third party provider has for a user on their interface. |
discriminator | string Unique characters added to the end of an account name to identify them. If the third party does not use a distriminator, set as an empty string. |
Error types #
error type | description |
AccountService_IdProviderMissing | Identity provider is not configured in Pragma Engine. |
AccountService_InvalidIdProvider | Identity provider enum type does not exist in IdProvider or ExtIdProvider enums. |
AccountService_IdProviderLinkingDisabled | accountLinkingEnabled config value is set to false for this identity provider. |
AccountService_IdProviderAlreadyAssociated | Identity provider account is already linked to an existing Pragma Account. Ex: The same Steam account can not be linked to two separate Pragma Accounts. |
AccountService_AccountAlreadyBoundToProviderType | A Pragma Account can not simultaneously be linked to the same identity provider type more than once. Ex: Two Steam accounts can not be linked to the same Pragma Account at the same time. |
AccountService_CannotUnlinkOnlyIdProvider | Identity provider is the last one linked to Pragma Account. Every Pragma Account needs at least one identity provider associated with it to be reachable. |
AccountService_IdProviderAuthenticationDisabled | playerLoginEnabled or operatorLoginEnabled config value is set to false for this identity provider. |
AccountService_Unauthorized | User does not meet authorization requirements for identity provider. Ex: Only users with a specific email domain can log in. |
AccountService_Unverified | User’s account has not been verified. Ex: email verification |
AccountService_IdProviderUnexpectedResponse | Pragma Engine received a response from the identity provider’s API that was unexpected. Ex: Steam service is down. |