social / pragma.account / AccountService / loadTestBulkCreateAccountsOperatorV1 /

loadTestBulkCreateAccountsOperatorV1 #

suspend fun loadTestBulkCreateAccountsOperatorV1(operatorSession: OperatorSession, request: AccountRpc.LoadTestBulkCreateAccountsOperatorV1Request): AccountRpc.LoadTestBulkCreateAccountsOperatorV1Response

Creates multiple Players, AccountTags, and PlayerGroups. Used for testing and load testing.


  • IdentityProvider.canAuthenticate
  • IdentityProvider.validate - PragmaResultErrors returned are just thrown as PragmaExceptions


  • AccountRpc.PragmaSocialIdNotFoundApplicationError when a social id is not found
  • AccountRpc.PragmaPlayerIdNotFoundApplicationError when a player id is not found
  • pragma.NotFoundApplicationError when the requested game shard does not exist or other account metadata is not found
  • pragma.ValidationFailedApplicationError when list of Pragma Social Ids or tags are empty/invalid, email is too long or invalid, or player group name is empty.
  • AccountRpc.GroupAlreadyExistsApplicationError when name is already in use.
  • AccountRpc.UnauthorizedApplicationError when trying to authenticate with an unexpected session type
  • AccountRpc.UnauthorizedApplicationError when failing to create authentication tokens
  • pragma.IdProviderNotFoundApplicationError when trying to use an unknown or unconfigured IdentityProvider.
  • AccountRpc.IdProviderLinkingDisabledApplicationError when trying to link an Id Provider that has linking disabled.
  • AccountRpc.IdProviderAuthenticationDisabledApplicationError when authenticating with a disabled IdentityProvider.


  • PragmaError.Database_Error when failing to create a social identity
  • PragmaError.Database_Error when failing to create a player identity