game / pragma.multiplayer / MultiplayerService /

MultiplayerService #

internal class MultiplayerService(pragmaNode: PragmaNode, instanceId: <ERROR CLASS>, partyClient: PartyClient = PartyClient(), gameInstanceClient: GameInstanceClient = GameInstanceClient(), cache: MultiplayerCache = MultiplayerCache()) : DistributedService, ConfigHandler<MultiplayerConfig>

The MultiplayerService is intended to handle the routing mismatch between players and their various multiplayer states.

Underlying systems like PartyService have their endpoints routed based on their entity id (in this case PartyId). Player clients may lose track of their entity ids due to disconnect or desyncing, making it difficult to rely on the client as a source of truth.

This service is responsible for caching and receiving cache updates on various multiplayer states, so it can provide a consistent routing mechanism and act as the source of truth for the client.

Constructors #


fun MultiplayerService(pragmaNode: PragmaNode, instanceId: <ERROR CLASS>, partyClient: PartyClient = PartyClient(), gameInstanceClient: GameInstanceClient = GameInstanceClient(), cache: MultiplayerCache = MultiplayerCache())

Functions #



suspend fun getCachedMultiplayerDataServiceV1(session: ServiceSession, request: MultiplayerRpc.GetCachedMultiplayerDataServiceV1Request): MultiplayerRpc.GetCachedMultiplayerDataServiceV1Response

Gets the cached multiplayer data for a given player.


suspend fun getCacheInfoOperatorV1(session: OperatorSession, request: MultiplayerRpc.GetCacheInfoOperatorV1Request): MultiplayerRpc.GetCacheInfoOperatorV1Response

Queries cached multiplayer data by player id.


suspend fun initializeGameInstanceV1(session: PlayerSession, request: MultiplayerRpc.InitializeGameInstanceV1Request): MultiplayerRpc.InitializeGameInstanceV1Response

Retrieves latest game instance state. Used to synchronize the client to the platform.


suspend fun initializePartyV1(session: PlayerSession, request: MultiplayerRpc.InitializePartyV1Request): MultiplayerRpc.InitializePartyV1Response

Retrieves latest party state. Used to synchronize the client to the platform.


suspend fun processAllGameInstanceUpdatesV1(session: ServiceSession, request: MultiplayerRpc.ProcessAllGameInstanceUpdatesV1Request): MultiplayerRpc.ProcessAllGameInstanceUpdatesV1Response

Process the updates provided from the GameInstanceService.


suspend fun processAllPartyUpdatesV1(session: ServiceSession, request: MultiplayerRpc.ProcessAllPartyUpdatesV1Request): MultiplayerRpc.ProcessAllPartyUpdatesV1Response

Process the updates provided from the PartyService.


suspend fun syncGameInstanceV1(session: PlayerSession, request: MultiplayerRpc.SyncGameInstanceV1Request): MultiplayerRpc.SyncGameInstanceV1Response

Synchronizes latest game instance state. Used to resynchronize the client to the platform.


suspend fun syncPartyV1(session: PlayerSession, request: MultiplayerRpc.SyncPartyV1Request): MultiplayerRpc.SyncPartyV1Response

Retrieves latest party state. Used to synchronize the client to the platform.