Initialize Pragma Services #

In this section, we’ll initialize the various Pragma services that we’ll use in the other Unity tutorials.


Create an Initialize function #

Goal #

Initialize the Pragma Party, Game Instance, Friends, and Presence services from Unity.

The PartyApi, GameInstanceApi, FriendsApi, and PresenceApi Pragma SDKs for Unity provide Initialize() methods for the various Pragma services. Use these methods to initialize the services in your PragmaManager.

Steps #

In PragmaManager.cs, add an InitializeServices() method that uses the Initialize() methods for each Pragma service:

public void InitializeServices()
    Player.PartyApi.Initialize(result =>
        if (result.IsFailure)
            Debug.Log("Pragma -- Init failed");
            Debug.Log("Pragma -- Party service initialized");

Initialize upon login #

Goal #

Initialize all services when a user logs in.

Steps #

In the PragmaManager.cs HandleLoggedIn() method, add a call to InitializeServices() if login is successful:

private void HandleLoggedIn(Pragma.Result result)
    if (result.IsFailure)
        Debug.LogErrorFormat("Pragma -- Login failed: {0}", result.ErrorCode);
        PragmaId myPragmaId = Player.Account.PragmaPlayerId;
        string myPragmaIdString = myPragmaId.ToString();
        Debug.Log("Pragma -- Logged in. Pragma ID: " + myPragmaIdString);