Getting Started in Player Data #
This guide will get you started on how to use Pragma Engine’s Player Data service to create a key-value store for your game client.
A key-value store is useful for early development to allow rapid iteration by the design team; however, it is strongly encouraged that more formal data models and APIs are developed for production. Key-value patterns scale poorly and make content management in production extremely difficult.
By the end of this guide, you’ll have:
- An endpoint for the client to store, update, and delete persisted data.
- Access the persisted data through the client side cache. All retrieval and syncing is handled automatically by the sdk.
Setup #
Run the following command in a terminal from the platform
directory to start with a clean build of your project.
./pragma build project -s
Create the Kotlin packages: add a [game-studio].keyvaluestore
package under [project-name]/[project-name]-player-data/player-data/src/main/kotlin
Define the persisted data structure #
Add a new file called KeyValueData.kt
at [project-name]/[project-name]-player-data/player-data/src/main/kotlin/[game-studio]/keyvaluestore/KeyValueData.kt
data class PersistedData(
@FieldNumber(1) var value: String,
): Component
Author the API #
To create an API for the game client, we need to author a PlayerDataOperation
Add the following to KeyValueData.kt
data class AddOrUpdate(
val key: String,
val value: String
): PlayerDataRequest
class AddOrUpdateResponse: PlayerDataResponse
data class DeleteData(
val key: String,
): PlayerDataRequest
class DeleteDataResponse: PlayerDataResponse
// Pragma Engine constructs this class through reflection, so we suppress the unused warning.
class KeyValueStore(
contentLibrary: PlayerDataContentLibrary
): PlayerDataSubService(contentLibrary) {
@PlayerDataOperation(sessionTypes = [SessionType.PLAYER])
fun addOrUpdate(request: AddOrUpdate, context: Context): AddOrUpdateResponse {
val entity = context.snapshot.getOrCreateUniqueEntity(request.key) {
val component = entity.getComponentsByType<PersistedData>().single()
component.value = request.value
return AddOrUpdateResponse()
@PlayerDataOperation(sessionTypes = [SessionType.PLAYER])
fun delete(request: DeleteData, context: Context): DeleteDataResponse {
return DeleteDataResponse()
Build the project and regenerate the sdk.
./pragma build project -s
Generate the API for the Game Client #
Unreal #
From you Unreal project Plugins folder, run the Pragma SDK update script to incorporate the new APIs into your game project.
Below is an example of calling the AddOrUpdateData
operation through the Pragma SDK and then accessing the data from the client side cache.
// some data you would like to persist
struct FLoadOutData {
FString SelectedHero;
FPragma_PlayerData_PersistedDataProto GetValueFromPlayerDataCache(Pragma::FPlayerPtr Player, const FString& EntityName);
TMap<FString, FPragmaComponent> GetComponents(Pragma::FPlayerPtr Player, const FString& EntityName);
void AddOrUpdateData(Pragma::FPlayerPtr Player, const FLoadOutData& LoadOutData) {
FString JsonString;
FJsonObjectConverter::UStructToJsonObjectString<FLoadOutData>(LoadOutData, JsonString);
// add or updade an Entity named "LoadOut" that will contain the LoadOut struct as a string
"LoadOut", JsonString,
[Player, this](
TPragmaResult<FPragma_PlayerData_AddOrUpdateResponseProto> PragmaResult) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("===== success - we saved the data for the player to the db ====="));
if (PragmaResult.IsFailure()) {
return; // check failure type and handle
const FString StringDataFromCache = GetValueFromPlayerDataCache(Player, "LoadOut").Value;
// ready to turn this data back into the LoadOut struct
TMap<FString, FPragmaComponent> GetComponents(Pragma::FPlayerPtr Player, const FString& EntityName) {
if (!Player->PlayerDataService().GetCache().IsValid()) {
return {};
const TSharedPtr<FPlayerDataCache> PlayerDataCache = Player->PlayerDataService().GetCache().Pin();
if (const TWeakPtr<FPragmaEntity> EntitySaved = PlayerDataCache->GetUniqueEntityByName(EntityName); EntitySaved.IsValid())
return EntitySaved.Pin()->Components;
return {};
FPragma_PlayerData_PersistedDataProto GetValueFromPlayerDataCache(Pragma::FPlayerPtr Player, const FString& EntityName
) {
TMap<FString, FPragmaComponent> Components = GetComponents(Player, EntityName);
for (TTuple<FString, FPragmaComponent> Component : Components) {
if (Component.Value.Is<FPragma_PlayerData_PersistedDataProto>()) {
return Component.Value.ReadValue<FPragma_PlayerData_PersistedDataProto>();
return {};