Game Loop Flow #

Pragma Engine Multiplayer services manage the workflow for grouping players into parties, matching parties, and getting into a game.

A successful game flow consists of several stages, from partying up to playing a game to completing a game instance. The following graphic and numbered list present a simplified overview of how Pragma Engine facilitates Multiplayer services when parties use matchmaking to form a game instance. Items in blue represent Pragma services.


  1. Players create parties and make selections.

    Using the Party service, players can create a party and invite other players to join; solo players are parties of one. Within the party, players can coordinate with each other and make pregame party and player-specific selections.

  2. Parties enter matchmaking and are matched with opponents.

    When players are ready, a party leader can enter the party into matchmaking. The Matchmaking service uses custom logic to compare parties to form appropriate matches to send to the game server.

  3. Game server is allocated.

    Once matches are formed, the Matchmaking service creates a new game instance. Your fleet management solution (such as the Pragma-provided Fleet service) should keep track of game server capacity and the number of game instances allocated. The fleet manager is responsible for finding an available game server or provisioning an additional server if necessary.

  4. Connection details are sent and game instance starts.

    The chosen game server communicates with the Game Instance service to get game details. The Game Instance service sends connection information back to involved players, who can connect to the waiting server.

  5. Game instance end data is processed.

    When the game ends, the game server can communicate results (such as item granting and player stats tracking) to the Game Instance service, where you can process this data.

  6. Game instance end updates are sent.

    The Game Instance service sends a notification to players with game instance results. Players remain in their existing parties.