Identity Providers Reference #

Hide a player’s identity providers information #

You can choose which identity providers are visible to other players using the config value visibleToOtherPlayers.

Below is an example of how to hide the Steam identity provider from other players:

  class: "pragma.account.SteamIdentityProviderPlugin"
    appId: "1627080"
    steamWebAPIKey: "3CD023D13769C48A24FDFCCB3398D68A"
    visibleToOtherPlayers: false

Manage identity providers in Operator Portal #

Identity providers can be viewed and managed within the Operator Portal.

Unlinking an identity provider #

Removing an identity provider from an account is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

  1. From the Social Operator Portal, click Services, then click Accounts.
  2. Click on the relevant player name to view individual account information.
  3. View the player’s identity providers.
  4. Hover over the identity provider you’d like to remove and click unlink.
  5. Confirm you want to unlink the identity provider.

Data classes #

Id Provider Account #

IdProviderAccount contains third party user identification information that Pragma uses to create and authenticate accounts.

idProviderenum of the identity provider.
accountIdstring Unique identitifer that the third party uses to associate a player with their account.
displayNamestring Display name that the third party provider has for a user on their interface.
discriminatorstring Unique characters added to the end of an account name to identify them. If the third party does not use a distriminator, set as an empty string.

Error types #

error typedescription
AccountService_IdProviderMissingIdentity provider is not configured in Pragma Engine.
AccountService_InvalidIdProviderIdentity provider enum type does not exist in IdProvider or ExtIdProvider enums.
AccountService_IdProviderLinkingDisabledaccountLinkingEnabled config value is set to false for this identity provider.
AccountService_IdProviderAlreadyAssociatedIdentity provider account is already linked to an existing Pragma Account.

Ex: The same Steam account can not be linked to two separate Pragma Accounts.
AccountService_AccountAlreadyBoundToProviderTypeA Pragma Account can not simultaneously be linked to the same identity provider type more than once.

Ex: Two Steam accounts can not be linked to the same Pragma Account at the same time.
AccountService_CannotUnlinkOnlyIdProviderIdentity provider is the last one linked to Pragma Account. Every Pragma Account needs at least one identity provider associated with it to be reachable.
AccountService_IdProviderAuthenticationDisabledplayerLoginEnabled or operatorLoginEnabled config value is set to false for this identity provider.
AccountService_UnauthorizedUser does not meet authorization requirements for identity provider.

Ex: Only users with a specific email domain can log in.
AccountService_UnverifiedUser’s account has not been verified.

Ex: email verification
AccountService_IdProviderUnexpectedResponsePragma Engine received a response from the identity provider’s API that was unexpected.

Ex: Steam service is down.