Generate Partner tokens #

This guide covers how to generate trusted Partner tokens to integrate with external services.

  • Game server connects to Pragma
  • Make requests from the game backend to social backend
  • Other external parties make calls to Pragma
Pragma automatically generates partner tokens for game servers during the allocation process. See the Game Server Overview for more information.

Use Operator Portal #

Partner tokens can be generated for both production and test environments using the Social Operator Portal.

  1. Access the Social Operator Portal through the 11200 port and log in. Use the Pragma Unsafe login for test environments, and one of the verified identity provider logins for production environments.
  2. Open the Services section, and select the Game Server Management page.
  3. Use the Select a Game Shard dropdown to select the game shard to associate it with the generated Partner token.
  4. On the Partner Tokens tab, click + Create Tokens to generate Partner tokens for both Game and Social.

Use Postman #

Partner tokens can only be generated for test environments using Postman, because the authentication step uses the Unsafe Provider.

  1. Send authenticateorcreatev2 as an Operator.
  2. Send createpartnertokenV1 with the correct gameShardId to receive a payload with Partner tokens for both Game and Social.
Game tokens are valid per game shard, and social tokens are valid across the entire Social gateway.