Account Data Reference #
Display name #
When a Pragma Account is created, the display name is defaulted to the player’s display name from the provider they used to login for the first time. For details on how a player can update their display name, see Update a player’s display name.
The Google identity provider uses an anonymized display name (Player1122
) to protect the player’s PII when creating an account.
Tags #
Tags can be used to identify an account. The following are several circumstances where adding tags to an account are useful:
- accepted terms of service (EULA, NDA)
- region/geography
- Accounts played during a playtest. You can later grant accounts an exclusive item for being an early access player in your game.
- Accounts created during certain time periods.
- restrict users based on their account status (free vs premium)
For more information on how to add tags to an account, see the Account Plugin. Alternatively you can also add tags using the Social Operator Portal by going to the Account Tags section under an Account Overview page.
Plugins #
Data rights plugins #
The data rights plugins can be used to define what social and game data is sent to a player in their data package when you make a personal data request. By default, only social account data is collected; game account data collection needs to be enabled. For more information, see Privacy Rights.
Email Sender Plugin #
The Email Sender Plugin can be used to send an email to players for email verification for their Pragma Account. Configuring a preimplemented and custom Email Sender Plugin is covered in Email Verification.
Data classes #
Social identity with personal #
contains account data such as social, player, and PII data.
property | description |
socialIdentity | Social identity object containing non-PII data for an account. See Social identity. |
pragmaPersonalId | Unique personal identifier for the player (game agnostic). |
tags | List of associated tags on the account. |
emailAddress | optional Player’s email address. |
emailVerified | Boolean determining if a player has verified their email. |
createdTimestampMillis | Timestamp in milliseconds for when the account was created. |
lastLoginTimestampMillis | Timestamp in milliseconds for when the player logged in last. |
lastDisplayNameUpdateTimestampMillis | Timestamp in milliseconds for when the player’s Pragma Account display name was last updated. |
Social identity #
contains all the core information for a player.
property | description |
pragmaSocialId | Unique social identifier for the player (game agnostic). |
pragmaDisplayName | Object containing a player’s display name and optional discriminator. See Display name. |
gameIdentities | List of player IDs and their associated game shard. See Game identity. |
idProviderAccounts | List of identity providers the account can use to authenticate with. See Identity provider account. |
Display name #
is an object containing a player’s display name and an optional discriminator.
property | description |
displayName | Player’s display name. |
discriminator | Suffix to distinguish a player’s account with the same display name (Cerberus#0000 , Cerberus#0001 ). |
Game identity #
represents the association of the social identity with the player’s game shard information.
property | description |
gameShardId | Unique identifier for a game. |
pragmaPlayerId | Unique identifier for a player in a game. |
Public social identity #
contains all the social information about a player such as how they appear to other players in game.
This is visible to other players.
property | description |
pragmaSocialId | Unique social identifier for the player (game agnostic). |
pragmaDisplayName | Object containing an account’s display name and optional discriminator. |
idProviderAccount | List of identity providers the account can authenticate with. |
The identities returned will include Identity Provider data. The Player endpoints are affected by the visibleToOtherPlayers
config value. See Hide a player’s identity providers information for more information.
Player identity #
contains all the core information about a player such as their display name and associated third party providers.
This is visible to other players.
property | description |
pragmaPlayerId | Unique identifier for a player in a game. |
pragmaDisplayName | Object containing an account’s display name and optional discriminator. |
idProviderAccount | List of identity providers the account can authenticate with. |
pragmaSocialId | Pragma Social ID that is associated with the player. |
Identity provider account #
contains third party user identification information that Pragma uses to create and authenticate accounts.
property | description |
idProviderType | enum type of the identity provider (STEAM, DISCORD). See Identity Providers for more information. |
accountId | User ID from the identity provider. |
providerDisplayName | Object containing a player’s display name and optional discriminator. See Display name. |