Update a Player’s Display Name #
The Account Plugin can be used to add custom behavior during the account lifecycle. This includes handling any updates to a player’s account information based on updates from a third party provider such as Steam.
This guide provides a walkthrough of the steps required to update a player’s Pragma Account display name using the Account Plugin. We’ll go through two scenarios when you might want to enable Pragma Account display name updates. Choose which option works best for your needs:
- Updating Display Name with Steam: a player updates their display name on Steam and the change is automatically reflected in the Pragma Account display name
- Updating Display Name with Social Player Portal: a player manually updates their display name in the Social Player Portal
Core Concepts:
Check out our concept doc for an intro to the Account Plugin. For more information on the default behavior of Pragma Account display names, see Display Name.
- Pragma Engine, Postman, and IntelliJ must be installed.
Updating Display Name with Steam #
In this section, we’ll create a custom Account Plugin that updates a player’s Pragma Account display name when a player updates their display name on Steam.
Prerequisites: You’ll need to have authenticated with Steam. See tutorials Unreal: Authenticate with Steam or Unity: Authenticate with Steam for details.
Get started #
Run the following command in the terminal from the platform directory to build the engine: ./pragma build all --skipTests
1. Create a custom Account Plugin #
Create a custom Account Plugin with logic to update a player’s Pragma Account display name when they update their name on Steam.
- Create a new directory at
. - Create a new Kotlin file in that directory called
. - Copy the following code into the
file. This defines a class that implements the Account Plugin interface:
package accounttutorial
import pragma.PragmaError
import pragma.PragmaException
import pragma.account.AccountPlugin
import pragma.account.AccountRpc
import pragma.account.PragmaAccount
import pragma.auth.IdProviderAccount
import pragma.content.ContentDataNodeService
import pragma.services.Service
class AccountTutorialSteamAccountPlugin(
val service: Service,
val contentDataNodeService: ContentDataNodeService,
) : AccountPlugin {
override suspend fun onAccountCreate(idProviderAccount: IdProviderAccount): PragmaAccount {
return PragmaAccount(idProviderAccount.displayName)
override suspend fun onAccountCreated(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) { }
override suspend fun onAccountLogin(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) {
val steamIdProvider =
pragmaAccount.getSocialIdentity()?.providerAccounts?.find {
it.idProvider == AccountRpc.IdProvider.STEAM_VALUE
if (steamIdProvider != null && steamIdProvider.displayName !=
pragmaAccount.getDisplayName()) {
override suspend fun onAccountUpdate(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) { }
override suspend fun onAccountDelete(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) { }
override suspend fun onAccountDeleted(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) { }
override suspend fun updateDisplayName(requestedDisplayName: String, pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) {
* We are disabling the ability for players to manually update their display name
throw PragmaException(
"Display name updating is not allowed"
After saving the new file, run the following command in the terminal from the platform directory to build the platform: ./pragma build --skipTests
2. Configure the plugin #
Register your custom Account Plugin in Pragma Engine.
Plugins must be configured in YAML configuration files before they can be utilized by Pragma Engine. We’ll configure the plugin to run in your local Pragma Engine.
- Open
. - Register the
by ensuring the social section of the config file matches the following:
class: "ext.accounttutorial.AccountTutorialSteamAccountPlugin"
Test the plugin #
In this section we’ll test if your Account Plugin updates your Pragma Account display name when you change your name on Steam.
Start Pragma Engine #
Run Pragma Engine via one of the following methods.
Once the engine has started successfully, it prints the message INFO main - Pragma server startup complete
Update your display name #
You’ll need to have completed either the Unreal: Authenticate with Steam or Unity: Authenticate with Steam tutorial.
The following are two options for testing:
Updating Display Name with Social Player Portal #
In this section, we’ll create a custom Account Plugin that updates a player’s Pragma Account display name when a player updates their display name in the Social Player Portal. We’ll also go through how to add time throttling to limit how often a player can update their display name.
Prerequisites: You’ll need to have authenticated with Steam. See tutorials Unreal: Authenticate with Steam or Unity: Authenticate with Steam for details.
Get started #
Run the following command in the terminal from the platform directory to build the engine: ./pragma build all --skipTests
1. Create a custom Account Plugin #
Create a custom Account Plugin with logic to update a player’s Pragma Account display name when they update their name in the Social Player Portal.
- Create a new directory at
. - Create a new Kotlin file in that directory called
. - Copy the following code into the
file. This defines a class that implements the Account Plugin interface:
package ext.accounttutorial
import pragma.PragmaError
import pragma.PragmaException
import pragma.account.AccountPlugin
import pragma.account.PragmaAccount
import pragma.account.TimeSpanner
import pragma.auth.IdProviderAccount
import pragma.config.ConfigBackendModeFactory
import pragma.config.PluginConfig
import pragma.content.ContentDataNodeService
import pragma.plugins.ConfigurablePlugin
import pragma.services.Service
import pragma.settings.BackendType
class AccountTutorialManualUpdateAccountPlugin(
override val service: Service,
override val contentDataNodeService: ContentDataNodeService,
) : ConfigurablePlugin<AccountTutorialManualUpdateAccountPlugin.Config>, AccountPlugin {
class Config private constructor(type: BackendType) : PluginConfig<Config>(type) {
override val description = "Account plugin configuration."
var waitingPeriodInDays by types.long("The number of days between name changes.")
companion object : ConfigBackendModeFactory<Config> {
override fun getFor(type: BackendType): Config {
return Config(type).apply {
waitingPeriodInDays = 30L
private lateinit var config: Config
private val timeSpanner: TimeSpanner = TimeSpanner()
override suspend fun onAccountCreate(idProviderAccount: IdProviderAccount): PragmaAccount {
return PragmaAccount(idProviderAccount.displayName)
override suspend fun onAccountCreated(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) { }
override suspend fun onAccountLogin(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) { }
override suspend fun onAccountUpdate(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) { }
override suspend fun onAccountDelete(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) { }
override suspend fun onAccountDeleted(pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) { }
override suspend fun updateDisplayName(requestedDisplayName: String, pragmaAccount: PragmaAccount) {
if (!timeSpanner.enoughTimeHasElapsedSince(pragmaAccount.getDisplayNameLastUpdated())) {
throw PragmaException(
"Players are only allowed to update display name every ${config.waitingPeriodInDays} days"
override suspend fun onConfigChanged(config: Config) {
this.config = config
After saving the new file, run the following command in the terminal from the platform directory to build the platform: ./pragma build --skipTests
2. Configure the plugin #
Register your custom Account Plugin in Pragma Engine.
Plugins must be configured in YAML configuration files before they can be utilized by Pragma Engine. Here we will configure the plugin to run in your local Pragma Engine
- Open
. - Register the
by ensuring the social section of the config file matches the following:
class: "ext.accounttutorial.AccountTutorialManualUpdateAccountPlugin"
Optional config #
The Account Plugin contains an optional config waitingPeriodInDays
that defaults to 30 days. This value can be overridden by setting the value in the config:
class: "ext.accounttutorial.AccountTutorialManualUpdateAccountPlugin"
waitingPeriodInDays: 10
3. Enable the Social Player Portal overlay #
Enable the overlay so that players can update their Pragma Account display name in the Social Player Portal.
Enable the Social Player Portal overlay to allow users to update their display name.
- Open
. - Under
module.exports = {
builds: {
'player-social': {
common: { 'app.extensions': ['accountTutorialPlayerExtension.js'] }
- In
create a new file calledaccountTutorialPlayerExtension.js
. - Add the following code:
const { DisplayNameEdit } = pragma.ext.player.ui.components
export default {
swappableComponents: {
"Player.Account.Settings.DisplayName": DisplayNameEdit
4. Package Social Player Portal #
Update the Social Player Portal for players to see the update display name input box.
To package the Social Player Portal run the following command: ./pragma portal package
Test the plugin #
In this section we’ll test if your Pragma Account display name updates when updated from the Social Player Portal.
Start Pragma Engine #
Run Pragma Engine via one of the following methods.
Once the engine has started successfully, it prints the message INFO main - Pragma server startup complete
Update your display name #
The following are two options for testing: