game-common / pragma.matchmaking /

Package pragma.matchmaking #

Types #



class GameInstanceUpdate(requestExt: ExtBackendAddPlayersRequest = ExtBackendAddPlayersRequest.getDefaultInstance())

A GameInstanceUpdate represents an update to an active game instance that is searching for more players by triggering the GameInstancePlugin.handleBackendAddPlayersRequest plugin method. A GameInstanceUpdate should be constructed and returned from the MatchmakingPlugin.matchPartiesWithGame plugin method.


class MatchmakingApi(service: Service)

The backend entrypoint for sending service RPCs to the MatchmakingService.


interface MatchmakingPlugin

The MatchmakingPlugin is an extension point for defining all custom matchmaking logic within the engine. From here, the plugin author can manipulate every Matchmaking.Party as it enters matchmaking, as well as perform comparisons between two matchables, checking to see if a valid game instance can be made.


class NewGameInstance(var ext: ExtGameInstance = ExtGameInstance.getDefaultInstance(), var requestExt: ExtBackendCreateRequest = ExtBackendCreateRequest.getDefaultInstance(), var gameServerZone: <ERROR CLASS>)

A NewGameInstance represents a successful matchmaking result that will be used to create a new game instance by triggering the GameInstancePlugin.handleBackendCreateRequest plugin method. A NewGameInstance should be constructed and returned from the MatchmakingPlugin.initialize or MatchmakingPlugin.matchParties plugin methods.


class WarmBodyMatchmakingPlugin(service: Service, contentDataNodeService: ContentDataNodeService, matchmakingHelper: MatchmakingHelper) : MatchmakingPlugin, ConfigurablePlugin<WarmBodyMatchmakingPlugin.Config>

An implementation of the MatchmakingPlugin interface that builds matches with any parties available based on the configurable Config.numberOfTeams and Config.playersPerTeam.