Game Server SDK Reference #

This section provides references for Game server methods, classes, and events in the Pragma SDK for Unreal and Unity. For information on Pragma Engine backend classes and plugins, see Game Server Backend Reference.

The Pragma SDK provides methods that developers can use to facilitate game instance processes, such as connecting more players or ending the game. The SDK includes methods for game server use through the MatchApi. The tables below contains a list of all the methods relevant to game server tasks.

Match API SDK methods #

RequestStartGame()Requests the game start data for a game instance. Use this method when Pragma does not manage your game server capacity.
ConnectPlayers()Connects the initial players for a game instance
ConnectMorePlayers()Connects more players for a game instance
VerifyPlayer()Uses player connection token to verify that connecting players are not misrepresenting their Pragma identity
UpdateGameInstance()Requests game instance data updates
RemovePlayers()Removes players from a game instance and processes player game results. Does not end the game instance.
EndGame()Request that a game instance end. Does note automatically end the game instance.
EnterMatchmaking()Enters a game instance into matchmaking to accept additional players
LeaveMatchmaking()Removes a game instance from matchmaking
SetRichPresence()Sets a player’s rich presence based on server-side options (such as “in party”)

The SDK calls invoke various plugins through service RPCs.

Unreal classes #

FPragma_GameInstance_GameStart #

GameInstanceIdgame instance ID
PlayersArray of Pragma_GameInstance_GameServerPlayer
IsInMatchmakingWhether or not the game instance is in matchmaking

FPragma_GameInstance_GameServerPlayer #

PlayerIdplayer ID
PartyIdparty ID the party the player is in
TeamNumberplayer’s team number

Events #

There are several game server-related events that player clients and game servers can listen to. The following tables contain bindable events relevant to game server operations, along with associated descriptions of when the event is triggered.

Player client events #

The following events are handled by the player client.

EventTriggerData returned
OnFailedToAllocateGameInstanceGame instance allocation fails due to game server issues after matchmaking succeedsN/A
OnHostConnectionDetailsReceivedThe game server starts a game instance and is available for parties to connectGameInstance
OnRemovedFromGameInstanceThe game server has removed the player from the gamegame instance ID, ExtRemovedFromGame

Game server events #

The following events are handled by the game server.

EventTriggerData returned
OnGameStartA game instance is started. The game server receives game instance data on this event.FPragma_GameInstance_GameStart
OnGameStartFailedAn error occurs when attempting to retrieve game instance data with the provided game instance IDPragma error
OnKeepAliveFailedThe platform fails to process a keep alive requestgame instance ID, Pragma error
OnPlayersAddedThe platform adds players to a game game instance. Upon receiving, the game server should invoke ConnectMorePlayers with prepared details for the provided new players for the provided game instance instance ID, list of FPragma_GameInstance_GameServerPlayer
OnPlayersRemovedPlayers are removed from the game instance by the instance ID, list of FPragma_GameInstance_GameServerPlayer
OnGameInstanceEnteredMatchmakingThe given active game instance enters matchmakinggame instance ID
OnGameInstanceLeftMatchmakingThe given active game instance leaves matchmakinggame instance ID