core / pragma.order /

Package pragma.order #

Types #



data class Order(val orderId: UUID, val pragmaSocialId: SocialId, val skuId: String, val quantity: Int, val providerId: OrderProviderType, val providerSource: ProviderSource, val orderStatus: OrderRpc.OrderStatus, val purchaseDateMillis: Long, val providerRevokedDateMillis: Long = 0, val createdTimestampMillis: Long, val lastUpdatedTimestampMillis: Long, val contentVersion: Long)

Represents a Pragma Order. Is created from a database record by pragma.order.OrderDaoNodeService.


data class OrderRecord(val order: Order, val providerDetails: ProviderDetails)

A record that tracks Order information as well as additional information not provided to players.


data class ProviderData(val providerId: OrderProviderType, val providerToken: String? = null)

Provider information used to specify a provider to sync orders for.