Live Data Tasks #

Player Data lets you define the classes that Pragma Engine stores in the Player Data databases.

Define a Component #

Pragam Engine provides the Component interface to identify classes that contain the data you want to persist.

Example of a Component that stores a string

data class ExampleStringData(
    @FieldNumber(1) var stringData: String
): Component

Steps and Requirements for Component classes:

  • The class must inherit Component
  • The class must include the @SerializedName(val name: String) annotation.
    • Provide a unique string paramater. We recommend you use a UUID or UTC timestamp in EPOC seconds.
  • Each property of the class requires the @FieldNumber annotation with an unique integer.

Supported Data Types

  • String
  • Numeric Types: Int | UInt | Byte | UByte | Short | UShort | Long | ULong | Boolean | Float | Double
  • UUID
  • Map and MutableMap.
    • Keys must be Int | String
  • List and MutableList.

Data types are restricted because Pragma Engine generates a protobuf definition for each Component.