Matchmaking Tasks #

Matchmaking features are built and customized using a combination of calls and plugin methods. This page describes common matchmaking operations, along with descriptions of SDK actions and related Matchmaking plugin methods.

Common matchmaking operations include:

For a full list of all available Matchmaking SDK and plugin function, see Matchmaking Reference.

Initialize the matchmaking process #

Perform any validation logic or party/player transformations before adding the party to a matchmaking queue

Initialize matchmaking

The matchmaking process starts when parties enter the Matchmaking service from the Party service. The MatchmakingService.enterMatchmaking call, which is called as part of PartyService.enterMatchmaking, places the party into a Matchable object and invokes the Matchmaking Plugin’s initialize() method.

interface MatchmakingPlugin {
    fun initialize(
        queueKey: MatchmakingQueueKey,
        matchable: Matchmaking.Matchable
    ): NewGameInstance? {
        return null

The Matchable passed to the initialize() method will include an empty ExtMatchable payload. Use initialize() to set data on the ExtMatchable before the Matchable enters the queue.

This method will have one of the following outcomes:

  • null (default): A Matchable is added to the matchmaking queue
  • NewGameInstance: A party in the Matchable is fast-tracked to the game instance. For example, custom games for events like in-house tournaments may want to skip matchmaking and place players directly in a game instance regardless of skill level or other standard matchmaking data.

Related events:

Related errors:

Match parties in the matchmaking queue #

Design logic to compare parties to send to a game instance

Match parties

You can customize the matchParties() method to compare two Matchables in the matchmaking queue with the goal of creating a set of parties that should be sent to a game instance together. matchParties() compares a specific anchor Matchable with all other Matchables in the queue before changing anchor to the next-oldest queue member.

interface MatchmakingPlugin {
    fun matchParties(
        queueKey: MatchmakingQueueKey,
        anchor: Matchable,
        other: Matchable
    ): NewGameInstance? {
        return null

Within matchParties(), do the following:

  • Compare parties in the anchor Matchable to parties in the other Matchable using a set of developer-defined matchmaking data, such as skill level or preferred game server zones.

  • Move parties between the two Matchables to work toward creating a set of parties to send to a new game instance. Both anchor and other can take parties from one another using takePartiesFrom(). When parties move between Matchables, that change persists for the life of the party unless the party is deliberately moved elsewhere.

  • If a complete match is not found using parties in the anchor and other Matchable, return null to continue the matching parties with a new anchor.

  • If a complete match is found, send appropriate parties to a new game instance together:

    • Create a NewGameInstance, setting ExtGameInstance and gameServerZone in the constructor.
    • Add parties to the game instance using addParties(). Added players are removed from matchmaking by exchanging the MATCHMAKING_ID on their sessions with a GAME_INSTANCE_ID.
    • Optionally, set teams, party data, and player data (setTeamByPlayers(), setExtGameParty(), and setExtGamePlayer()) .
    • If you decide your new game instance should continue looking for parties after creation, call newGameInstance.continueMatchmaking() with a MatchmakingQueueKey. In this case, the new game instance will be spun up and then will re-enter matchmaking as a Matchmaking.GameInstance. See match parties with an active game instance
    • Return the NewGameInstance.

For example:

override fun matchParties(
    queueKey: MatchmakingQueueKey,
    anchor: Matchable,
    other: Matchable
): NewGameInstance? {

    // Custom matchmaking logic 

    if (isCompleteMatch()) {
        val newGameInstance = NewGameInstance(ExtGameInstance.getDefaultInstance(), "")
        return newGameInstance
    } else {
        anchor.takePartiesFrom(matchable, compatiblePartiesFromMatchable)
        return null
If the matchParties() method throws an exception, the Matchmaking service logs an error and removes both the anchor Matchable and the other Matchable from the queue to allow for debugging. Players are notified via a SessionChangedV1Notification. The anchor position is then reset to the oldest Matchable in the queue.

See also: Add custom behavior after matchmaking loop.

Match parties with an active game instance #

Design logic to add parties to an existing game instances

Add to game instance

When a game instance enters matchmaking to receive more parties, the Matchmaking Plugin’s matchPartiesWithGame() method is called for each anchor Matchable in the specified matchmaking queue. Use matchPartiesWithGame() to determine whether parties in a Matchable should be added to the existing game instance. Pragma Engine calls the matchPartiesWithGame() method until stopMatchmaking() is called.

interface MatchmakingPlugin {
    fun matchPartiesWithGame(
        queueKey: MatchmakingQueueKey,
        anchor: Matchable,
        game: Matchmaking.GameInstance
    ): GameInstanceUpdate? {
        return null

Within matchPartiesWithGame(), do the following:

  • Use developer-defined matchmaking data, such as skill level or preferred game server zones, to determine if a party or parties in the anchor should be added to the current game instance.

  • If parties in the anchor Matchable should not added to the game instance:

    • Return null to advance the anchor Matchable.
  • If parties in the Matchable should be added to the game instance:

    • Create a game instance update object.
    • Add appropriate parties to the game instance update. Any parties moved into the GameInstanceUpdate will be connected to the game server after this method completes:
    • Optionally, use setTeamByPlayers(), setExtGameParty(), and setExtGamePlayers() to set teams and player and party data for the new parties.
  • Because GameInstanceUpdate objects are created with the express purpose of entering matchmaking, the matchmaking loop will continue until you explicitly call GameInstanceUpdate.stopMatchmaking().

For example:

override fun matchPartiesWithGame(
    queueKey: MatchmakingQueueKey,
    anchor: Matchmaking.Matchable,
    game: Matchmaking.GameInstance
): GameInstanceUpdate? {

    // Custom matchmaking logic 

    if (isCompleteMatch()) {
        val gameInstanceUpdate = GameInstanceUpdate()
        return gameInstanceUpdate
    } else {
        game.takePartiesFrom(anchor, compatiblePartiesFromAnchor)
        return null
Moving parties between Matchables does not automatically update team numbers. For existing game instances you can use the teamNumber parameter in the addParties() method. Otherwise, use the functions in the Assign Teams section to change team numbers as necessary.

Comparison data #

When comparing Matchables, the following information is available to the Matchmaking Plugin for consideration in your matchmaking logic.

  • parties: list of parties in the Matchable
    • partyId: unique party ID
    • ext (ExtMatchmakingParty): custom party data to inform the matchmaking process
    • preferredGameServerZones: list of the party’s preferred game server zones
    • players: list of player objects within the party
    • playerCount: number of players in the party
    • secondsInQueue(): number of seconds the party has been in the matchmaking queue
  • players: list of all the players in the Matchable
    • playerId: unique player ID
    • socialId: player’s unique social ID
    • displayName: player’s unique display name
    • teamNumber: player’s team number
    • partyId: unique party ID for the party the player is in
    • gameServerZoneToPing: map of the player’s client-supplied ping map, keyed by gameServerZone ID
    • ext (ExtMatchmakingPlayer): custom player data to inform the matchmaking process
  • extMatchable (ExtMatchable): use this ext to store data calculated within the Matchmaking loop so you don’t have to recompute it on every matchParties call
  • matchmakingKey (ExtMatchmakingKey): custom data about the Matchable’s matchmaking queue
  • gameServerVersion: version of the game server the match would be played on

Related events:

Related errors:

Add custom behavior after matchmaking loop #

Define what happens after an anchor Matchable exhausts the matchmaking queue

If an anchor Matchable makes it through the entire queue without forming a complete match, the default behavior is that the anchor position is moved to the next oldest Matchable in the queue. Custom behavior can be added before the anchor position is moved by defining logic in the endOfLoop() method. This method gives the plugin a chance to start a new game instance even if ideal matches were not made during the iteration. For example, when building matches with a limited matchmaking pool, such as during testing.

interface MatchmakingPlugin {
    fun endOfLoop(
        queueKey: MatchmakingQueueKey,
        anchor: Matchable
    ): NewGameInstance?
    return null
The endOfLoop() method is also called if there is only one item in the matchmaking queue.

Leave matchmaking with the API #

Exit the matchmaking process using the SDK for Unreal or Unity

Players can request that their party leave matchmaking by invoking the PartyApi.LeaveMatchmaking() SDK method. This action removes the player’s whole party from the matchmaking service. After the player and their party are removed from matchmaking, players receive a OnLeftMatchmaking event. The PartyApi.LeaveMatchmaking() function also triggers the Party Plugin’s returnFromMatchmaking() method, which provides a way to handle players and parties leaving matchmaking. See Party Service Tasks: Return from Matchmaking for more information.

  const FOnCompleteDelegate& OnComplete
  CompleteDelegate onComplete
  "requestId": 15,
  "type": "matchmakingRpc.LeaveMatchmakingV2Request",
  "payload": {

Game servers can request that an active game instance leave matchmaking by invoking MatchApi.LeaveMatchmaking().

  const FString& GameInstanceId,
  const FOnCompleteDelegate& OnComplete
  PragmaId gameInstanceId,
  CompleteDelegate onComplete
  "requestId": 16,
  "type": "matchmakingRpc.LeaveMatchmakingV2Request",
  "payload": {

Customize queue names for reporting #

Customize queue names for metrics/logging

For purposes of viewing metrics and logs, you might want to group various matchmaking queues into one metric/log entry. You can generate a queue name using the Matchmaking Plugin’s getQueueName() method, which is called during instantiation of a new matchmaking queue or when a metric/log requires a queue name and doesn’t already have access to the queue.

For example, say your ExtMatchmakingKey contains a game mode, along with various other parameters needed for matchmaking purposes (region, difficulty, etc.). For reporting purposes, you might want matchmaking queues with the same game mode to appear as one metric. To do so, customize the getQueueName() function in your implementation of the Matchmaking Plugin:

override fun getQueueName(extMatchmakingKey: ExtMatchmakingKey): String {
    return extMatchmakingKey.gameMode;

If you don’t customize getQueueName(), the function returns “undefinedqueueName” by default.