
Features #

  • Introduced InventoryRpc.ItemUpdateV4 and MatchendLifecycleRpc.MatchEndV3
  • MatchEndPlugin can be authored to enable rpc calls to arbitrary services on match end.
  • UnrealSDK
    • Update PragmaInventoryService to return full inventory snapshot on StorePurchaseV4, UpdateItemsV0, UpdateItemV3, UpdateItemV4
    • Oneofs allow nothing to be set for serialization or deserialization.
    • Code gen: Fix out of order dependencies when using maps.

Integration Notes #

  • UpdateItemsV0Request was updated to use inventoryRpc.ItemUpdateV2
  • MatchEndV0Request was updated to use matchlifecycle.MatchEndV2

Architecture Change #

  • 3-extensions will be removed and 4-apps will be renamed to 3-apps. All custom and …ext proto files as well as any extensions defined in 3-extensions will soon be defined in the 5-ext module.