
Features #

  • Expose extension data on MatchEndNotification


Features #

  • Add ability to update instanced inventory on match end.
    • See InstancedItemUpdate and InstancedDataProviderPlugin.update

Deprecation #

Pragma Engine - Scheduled for REMOVAL in 0.0.22:

  • Protos to be deleted since they are unused
    • StackableEntryUpdate
    • InstancedEntryUpdate
    • InventoryUpdateV1Notification
  • Protos deprecated because a new version is available
    • MatchEndV1Request
    • MatchEndV1Response
    • MatchEndV1Notification
    • MatchEndPayload
    • PragmaMatchEndData
    • PragmaPlayerMatchEndData
  • UnrealSDK
    • UPragmaConnection::OnDisconnected. Please use UPragmaConnection::OnDisconnectedV2. Pragma Engine - DEPRECATED this release (Scheduled for removal in 0.0.23):

    • TPragmaResult::UnknownErrorCode. Please use FPragmaError::UnknownError.

  • StorePurchaseV2 deprecated
  • PlayerMatchEnd.stackable_updates to be replaced by PlayerMatchEnd.item_updates