Unreal Game Server Tutorial #

You must have the party and matchmaking flows fully implemented before beginning this guide. See the Parties and Matchmaking tutorial guides for further details.

Most match-based games follow a game flow that involves creating a lobby and inviting friends to join a party, making pre-game selections such as choosing a character, entering matchmaking, playing the game, then ending the game with post-match results.

This guide provides a simplified walkthrough of building and packaging the dedicated game server in Unreal. This guide assumes working knowledge of the Unreal Engine.

In this section #

PrerequisitesBuild Unreal Engine from source and set up your game project to build and package a dedicated game server.
Create the required assetsCreate the required PragmaGameServer file and level map
Handle Game Server CommunicationHandle game server communication
Build GameModeBaseBuilding the higher level functionality in GameModeBase.
Get in a GamePackaging the game server and game clients, getting through a party and matchmaking flow, and seeing the game clients connect to a running game server.