Create the Required Assets #

In this section, we’ll create the following assets that will be used during the Unreal game server tutorial:

  • a new level, which will be the default map run by our game server
  • a PragmaGameServer UObject class, which will contain the basic logic for communicating with the platform

You should already have the TutorialGameModeBase and MyPlayerController classes created in the Unreal: Setup tutorial.

  1. Create a default map for the game server

    a. Launch your Unreal Editor from the source code build.

    b. Navigate to your maps directory and create a new level. Give it a name such that you can easily distinguish it from the level that game clients run. In this guide, we’ll refer to it as ServerMap.

    c. (Optional) If you don’t yet have a working game, you can add some interface elements such as text or images to ServerMap. This way, it’s obvious when your game clients have successfully connected to the dedicated server.

  2. Create a PragmaGameServer C++ class:

    a. Navigate to the location of your C++ classes. Optionally, create a directory to hold the C++ classes specific to your dedicated server.

    b. Create a new C++ class with a Object parent. We’ll call this class PragmaGameServer.

In the next section we’ll build out the PragmaGameServer file with required functionality.