What is Pragma? #

Welcome to Pragma Engine!

Pragma Engine is a platform that powers online features for live-service games. This includes services such as accounts, social, parties, matchmaking, game allocation, player data, and content management. The platform has built-in live ops features such as metrics, monitoring, and telemetry.

The platform binds to multiple ports, each exposing an API gateway serving different clients, such as Players, Operators, or Partner services.

Pragma Engine runs in two modes. Each backend shares the same engine capabilities in terms of metrics, operability, authentication and authorization, and service-to-calls.

  • the Social backend provides account and social features
  • the Game backend provides the game loop, player data, game server allocation, and related services

Pragma provides tools and customization options for game development. Tools include:

  • An Operator Portal for developers to perform administrative tasks.
  • A Player Portal for players to view and manage account information.
  • Unreal and Unity SDKs with raw and rich APIs

Using these tools, you can customize your game development in the following ways:

  • Configure out-of-the-box features such as cross-platform account integrations, content unlock and purchase flows, game server hosting providers, and more.
  • Author plugins to customize matchmaking logic, implement custom account services, and author unique content flows while relying on Pragma Engine’s incredible scale and sound architecture.
  • Build custom microservices from scratch to build differentiated features for your game, all while still relying on Pragma’s network, security, and session protocols so you aren’t forced to start from scratch.