game / pragma.inventory / InventoryService / serviceGrantRewardsV2 /

serviceGrantRewardsV2 #

suspend fun serviceGrantRewardsV2(session: ServiceSession, request: InventoryRpc.ServiceGrantRewardsV2Request): InventoryRpc.ServiceGrantRewardsV2Response

Grants a list of InventoryCommon.RewardGrant grants to a player.


  • InstancedItemPlugin.newInstanced - Invoked when player is rewarded an instanced item.
  • - Invoked when rolling rewards from a reward bag.
  • StackableItemPlugin.onUpdate called for stackable item grants and updates


  • PragmaError.InventoryService_PlayerIdNotFound - If player ID not found.
  • PragmaError.InventoryService_GrantError - When db errors.
  • PragmaError.InventoryService_GetError - When db retrieve fails.