February 15th, 2022

  • Added capability to grant rewards with the InstancedItemPlugin.update function.
  • Required integration:
    • Update InstancedItemPlugin.update() with new parameter and return type.
  • Optional integration:
    • Rename histogram config to continue using histogram metrics.
  • Bug fix:
    • Removed distributedServiceCounts configuration.

Features: #

  • Added capability to grant rewards with the InstancedItemPlugin.update function.
    • Description: We’ve made two changes to the InstancedItemPlugin.update() interface to enable rewards grant.

      • New parameter inventoryContent: InventoryServiceContent which gives access to all content
      • Returns type UpdateResult instead of ExtInstancedItem
    • Reference:

      • Structure of UpdateResult:
      data class UpdateResult(
        val extInstancedItem: ExtInstancedItem,
        val rewardGrants: List<RewardGrant>
    • Related note: Integration required. See content system note below.

Integrations #

  • Update InstancedItemPlugin.update() with new parameter and return type.

    • Description: You will need to update InstancedItemPlugin.update() to integrate with the new crafting system.

    • Integration step:

      • In the update() method, add inventoryContent: InventoryServiceContent parameter after updateEntry.
      • In the update() method, change return type from ExtInstancedItem to UpdateResult.
      InventoryContent.UpdateEntryinventoryContent: InventoryServiceContent
    • Reference:

      • Check out the pet update example in DemoInstancedItemPlugin for a sample implementation.
    • Related note:

      • New related feature. See rewards feature note above.
  • Rename histogram config to continue using histogram metrics.

    • Description: Histogram metric config has been renamed.
    • Integration step:
      • To continue using histogram metrics, you must rename the config.

Bug fix #

  • Fixed issue with creating Limited Access Events with multiple player groups.
    • Description: You can now create and update Limited Access Events with more than one player group using MariaDB.

Deprecations #

  • Removed distributedServiceCounts configuration.
    • Description: We don’t expect anyone to be using this, so no integration steps are required. We will be adding a multi-node configuration soon. If you are using this configuration to change the number of instances of a service, please contact us for help integrating.