game / pragma.gameinstance / GameInstanceService / gameInstanceAllocationFailureV1 /

gameInstanceAllocationFailureV1 #

suspend fun gameInstanceAllocationFailureV1(session: ServiceSession, request: GameInstanceRpc.GameInstanceAllocationFailureV1Request): GameInstanceRpc.GameInstanceAllocationFailureV1Response

Signals a game server has failed to start for a game instance. Invoked by the MatchCapacityService.

Cancels the game instance and removes all players from the game loop. Removes GAME_INSTANCE_ID from all player’s sessions and sends players a GameInstanceRpc.GameInstanceStartFailureV1Notification.


  • PragmaError.GameInstanceService_UnknownGameInstanceId - If the game instance id from the request is not found.
  • PragmaError.GameInstanceService_InternalError - If a lock on the specified game instance could not be held.