game / pragma.gameinstance / GameInstanceService / enterMatchmakingV1 /

enterMatchmakingV1 #

suspend fun enterMatchmakingV1(session: PartnerSession, request: GameInstanceRpc.EnterMatchmakingV1Request): GameInstanceRpc.EnterMatchmakingV1Response

Reenters a game instance into matchmaking to find more players. This endpoint will call the Matchmaking Service to add the game instance to the requested queue.

This will make an RPC call using MatchmakingRpc.EnterMatchmakingWithGameInstanceV1Request with the matchmaking key provided by the request.


  • PragmaError.GameInstanceService_UnknownGameInstanceId - If the game instance id is not found in the list of tracked game instances.
  • PragmaError.GameInstanceService_GameInstanceAlreadyInMatchmaking - If the game instance requested is already in Matchmaking.
  • PragmaError.PartyService_FailedToEnterMatchmaking - If the response from the Matchmaking Service is an error.
  • PragmaError.GameInstanceService_InternalError - If a lock on the specified game instance could not be held.