Account Data Overview #

In this section we’ll go over how to view account data, privacy right features, the email verification flow, and how to create a custom Email Sender Plugin.

View account information #

To view a player’s account information call AccountRpc.GetAccountV1Request.

message GetAccountV1Response {
  option (pragma_session_type) = PLAYER;
  option (pragma_message_type) = RESPONSE;

  Fixed128 pragma_social_id = 1;
  string email_address = 2;
  bool email_verified = 3;
  int64 account_created_timestamp_millis = 4;
  int64 last_login_timestamp_millis = 5;
  DisplayName display_name = 6;
  int64 last_display_name_update_timestamp_millis = 7;
  repeated GameIdentity game_identities = 8;
  repeated IdProviderAccount id_provider_accounts = 9;

View social identity information #

To view one player’s identity information, send viewSocialIdentity with a pragmaSocialId:

  "requestId": 1,
  "type": "AccountRpc.ViewSocialIdentityV1Request",
  "payload": {
    "pragmaSocialId": "5c9122c3-63c2-418c-ad28-013d1082ce56"

Sample response contains socialIdentity data such as display name, game shard, and identity providers:

  "sequenceNumber": 0,
  "response": {
    "requestId": 1,
    "type": "AccountRpc.ViewSocialIdentityV1Response",
    "payload": {
      "socialIdentity": {
        "socialIdentity": {
          "pragmaSocialId": "5c9122c3-63c2-418c-ad28-013d1082ce56",
          "pragmaDisplayName": {
            "displayName": "Shane",
            "discriminator": "0001"
          "gameIdentities": [
              "gameShardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
              "pragmaPlayerId": "453a711c-81ea-4f9a-b105-b70a7e0c4547"
          "idProviderAccounts": [
              "idProviderType": "UNSAFE",
              "accountId": "test01",
              "providerDisplayName": {
                "displayName": "test01",
                "discriminator": ""
        "pragmaPersonalId": "8d570f5b-bd08-407e-8e49-e5f20f57ede2",
        "tags": [
            "tagId": "37d17939-bf50-41ee-ba7a-2040e876e099",
            "tag": "UnsafeUser"
        "emailAddress": "",
        "emailVerified": false

View batches of player and social identity information #

To view a batch of player identity information, use the following calls, which are only available for Operator, Partner, and Service sessions.

These calls provide a list of player or social identities given a list of player IDs or social IDs.

The identities returned will include ID Provider information, so use caution when exposing this data.


  • AccountRpc.GetPlayerIdentitiesOperatorV1Request
  • AccountRpc.GetSocialIdentitiesOperatorV1Request


  • AccountRpc.GetPlayerIdentitiesServiceV1Request
  • AccountRpc.GetSocialIdentitiesServiceV1Request


  • AccountRpc.GetPlayerIdentitiesPartnerV1Request
  • AccountRpc.GetSocialIdentitiesPartnerV1Request

Partner calls can be accessed via the SDK:

Player identities

void GetPlayerIdentities(
  const TArray<FString> PlayerIds,
  const FGetPlayerIdentitiesDelegate& OnComplete

TFuture<TPragmaResult<PlayerIdentitiesResponse>> GetPlayerIdentities(
  const TArray<FString> PlayerIds

Social identities

void GetSocialIdentities(
  const TArray<FString> SocialIds,
  const FGetSocialIdentitiesDelegate& OnComplete
TFuture<TPragmaResult<SocialIdentitiesResponse>> GetSocialIdentities(
  const TArray<FString> SocialIds

Player identities

public Future<PlayerIdentitiesResponse> GetPlayerIdentities(
  IEnumerable<PragmaId> playerIds

Social identities

public Future<SocialIdentitiesResponse> GetSocialIdentities(
  IEnumerable<PragmaId> socialIds