Account Data #
Account data represents any data that cannot be scoped lower than the account itself. Most data is stored under a Social ID or Player ID, but sensitive or personal data (if stored at all) is represented at the account level.
We recommend against storing this kind of data whenever possible. Third-party payment processors can manage pay information, and authentication credentials can be managed by identity providers.
Account Deletion #
You can delete a player’s Pragma account. The following Operator, Partner, and Service endpoints are available for account deletion:
These endpoints delete the player’s social identity, links to third party accounts, links to game identities, and all accompanying PII (personally identifiable information). In addition, calling these endpoints can be used to reset a Pragma account in a test environment.
This process is irreversible. All PII is permanently removed and can not be retrieved from the Pragma Engine database.
Delete an account in Portal #
- From the Social Pragma Portal, click Services, then click Accounts.
- Click on the relevant player name to view individual account information.
- Under the Delete Account section click Delete Account.
- Enter the account discriminator and click Delete Account.
View batches of player and social identity information #
To view a batch of player identity information, use the following calls, which are only available for Operator, Partner, and Service sessions.
These calls provide a list of player or social identities given a list of player IDs or social IDs.
The identities returned will include ID Provider information, so use caution when exposing this data.
Partner calls can be accessed via the SDK:
Player identities
void GetPlayerIdentities(
const TArray<FString> PlayerIds,
const FGetPlayerIdentitiesDelegate& OnComplete
TFuture<TPragmaResult<PlayerIdentitiesResponse>> GetPlayerIdentities(
const TArray<FString> PlayerIds
Social identities
void GetSocialIdentities(
const TArray<FString> SocialIds,
const FGetSocialIdentitiesDelegate& OnComplete
TFuture<TPragmaResult<SocialIdentitiesResponse>> GetSocialIdentities(
const TArray<FString> SocialIds
Player identities
public Future<PlayerIdentitiesResponse> GetPlayerIdentities(
IEnumerable<PragmaId> playerIds
Social identities
public Future<SocialIdentitiesResponse> GetSocialIdentities(
IEnumerable<PragmaId> socialIds
View social identity information #
To view one player’s identity information, send viewSocialIdentity
with a pragmaSocialId
"requestId": 1,
"type": "AccountRpc.ViewSocialIdentityV1Request",
"payload": {
"pragmaSocialId": "5c9122c3-63c2-418c-ad28-013d1082ce56"
Sample response contains socialIdentity
data such as display name, game shard, and identity providers:
"sequenceNumber": 0,
"response": {
"requestId": 1,
"type": "AccountRpc.ViewSocialIdentityV1Response",
"payload": {
"socialIdentity": {
"socialIdentity": {
"pragmaSocialId": "5c9122c3-63c2-418c-ad28-013d1082ce56",
"pragmaDisplayName": {
"displayName": "Shane",
"discriminator": "0001"
"gameIdentities": [
"gameShardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
"pragmaPlayerId": "453a711c-81ea-4f9a-b105-b70a7e0c4547"
"idProviderAccounts": [
"idProviderType": "UNSAFE",
"accountId": "test01",
"providerDisplayName": {
"displayName": "test01",
"discriminator": ""
"pragmaPersonalId": "8d570f5b-bd08-407e-8e49-e5f20f57ede2",
"tags": [
"tagId": "37d17939-bf50-41ee-ba7a-2040e876e099",
"tag": "UnsafeUser"
"emailAddress": "",
"emailVerified": false