game / pragma.matchmaking / MatchmakingService / updateMatchmakingGameInstanceV1 /

updateMatchmakingGameInstanceV1 #

suspend fun updateMatchmakingGameInstanceV1(session: ServiceSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.UpdateMatchmakingGameInstanceV1Request): MatchmakingRpc.UpdateMatchmakingGameInstanceV1Response

Called from GameInstanceService to update a matchmaking game instance with new data.

Updates the ExtMatchmakingGameInstance, and all ExtMatchmakingGameParty, ExtMatchmakingGamePlayer exts for matchmaking game instance to be used by the MatchmakingPlugin.


  • PragmaError.MatchmakingService_PlayerUpdateFailed - A player in this request was not in the MatchmakingGameInstance
  • PragmaError.MatchmakingService_PartyUpdateFailed - A party in this request was not in the MatchmakingGameInstance