All Party Calls and Methods #

Party Plugin Methods #

By leveraging Party Plugin methods and their associated calls, party functionality can be customized to build any party flow.

The table below includes a full list of all available plugin methods and a link to the section that contains further information.

initializePartyCreate a party
onAddPlayerCreate a party, Join or leave a party, Manage invites
onRemovePlayerJoin or leave a party, Kick players
updatePartyMake selections
updatePlayerMake selections
canChangeReadySet ready states
buildMatchmakingKeyEnter matchmaking
buildExtMatchmakingPartyEnter matchmaking
buildExtMatchmakingPlayerEnter matchmaking
returnFromMatchmakingReturn from matchmaking
returnFromMatchReturn from a game instance

Party Service SDK Methods #

The SDK includes methods for Party service implementation through the GameLoopApi class. The table below contains a list of all the GameLoopApi methods relevant to the Party service, along with a link to the section that explains it in more detail. Optionally, call the methods in the verification call column to perform additional verification.

Callsectionverification call
AssignPartyLeaderAssign the leader roleCanAssignPartyLeader
CreatePartyCreate a partyCanCreateParty
EnterMatchmakingEnter matchmakingCanEnterMatchmaking
JoinWithInviteCodeJoin or leave a partyCanJoinParty
JoinWithPartyIdJoin or leave a partyCanJoinParty
LeavePartyJoin or leave a partyCanLeaveParty
KickPlayerKick playersCanKickPlayer
RespondToInviteManage invitesCanRespondToInvite
SendInviteManage invitesCanSendInvite
SetGameServerZoneToPingMake selectionsCanSetGameServerZoneToPing
SetPreferredGameServerZonesSpecify preferred game server zonesCanSetPreferredGameServerZones
SetReadyStateSet ready statesCanSetReadyState
UpdatePlayerSelectionsMake selectionsCanUpdatePlayerSelections
UpdatePartySelectionsMake selectionsCanUpdatePartySelections

Party Service RPCs #

The following list includes the RPCs for the party service.

  • AssignPartyLeaderV1
  • EnterMatchmakingV1
  • KickV1
  • LeaveV1Request
  • RespondToInviteV1
  • returnFromMatchV1
  • returnFromMatchmakingV1
  • SetGameServerZoneToPingV1
  • SendInviteV1
  • SetPreferredGameServerZonesV1
  • SetReadyStateV1
  • UpdatePlayerSelectionsV1
  • UpdatePartySelectionsV1

Party Service Bindable Events #

Besides the typical RPC calls, there are several events that player clients and game servers can listen to. The following table contains bindable events relevant to the Party service, along with associated descriptions of when the event is triggered.

The following events are handled by the player client.

FPartyEvent OnPartyJoined;public event Action<IParty> OnPartyJoined;A player joins a party.
FPartyEvent OnPartyChanged;public event Action<IParty> OnPartyDataChanged;Party information changes, including creation and destruction.

Note: All other On* events fire in addition to this one, so developers will need to account for handling multiple events at once.
FInviteCodeEvent OnInviteCodeChanged;public event Action<string> OnInviteCodeChanged;A new invite code is made for the party.
FPartySelectionsEvent OnExtPartySelectionsChanged;public event Action<ExtPartySelections> OnExtPartySelectionsChanged;The public ext party selections change.
FPreferredGameServerZonesEvent OnPreferredGameServerZonesChanged;public event Action<List<string>> OnPreferredGameServerZonesChanged;A party’s preferred game server zones change.
FPartyLeftEvent OnPartyLeft;public event Action OnPartyLeft;Your player leaves the party voluntarily.
FRemovedFromPartyEvent OnRemovedFromParty;public event Action<RemovalReason> OnRemovedFromParty;Your player leaves a party for reasons outside of your control.
FPlayerEvent OnPlayerJoined;public event Action<IPartyPlayer> OnPlayerJoined;A new player joins the party. All players in the party can handle this event.
FPlayerListEvent OnPlayersChanged;public event Action<IReadOnlyList<IPartyPlayer>> OnPlayersChanged;One or more players join or leave the party. Will fire if the number stays the same (e.g. +1, -1 in one update).
FPlayerEvent OnPlayerChanged;public event Action<IPartyPlayer> OnPlayerDataChanged;Any player information changes.
FPrivatePlayerSelectionsEvent OnExtPrivatePlayerSelectionsChanged;public event Action<ExtPrivatePlayerSelections> OnExtPrivatePlayerSelectionsChanged;A player’s private selections changes.
FPlayerLeftEvent OnPlayerLeft;public event Action<PragmaId> OnPlayerLeft;A player leaves the party.
FInviteListEvent OnInvitesChanged;public event Action<IReadOnlyList<PartyInvite>> OnInvitesChanged;The invites list is changed.
FInviteEvent OnInviteReceived;public event Action<PartyInvite> OnInviteReceived;A party invite is received from another player.
FInviteIdEvent OnInviteRevoked;public event Action<PragmaId> OnInviteRevoked;A party invite is revoked, such as when pending invites are canceled by a game starting a match.
FInviteIdEvent OnInviteAccepted;public event Action<PragmaId> OnInviteAccepted;An invitee accepts the invite. Only inviters can handle this event.
FInviteIdEvent OnInviteDeclined;public event Action<PragmaId> OnInviteDeclined;An invitee declines the invite. Only inviters can handle this event.
FUpdateClientVersionEvent OnGameClientVersionUpdateRequired;public event Action OnGameClientVersionUpdateRequired;The player client needs to update their GameClientVersion.