All Matchmaking Calls and Methods #

Matchmaking Plugin Methods #

The following table includes the methods available in the Matchmaking Plugin.

initializehandles initial steps for parties that enter the Matchmaking service.
matchPartiesattempts to match an anchor Matchable with another Matchable in the queue. If a match is made, a NewGameInstance is returned.
matchPartiesWithGameattempts to find more players for a MatchmakingGameInstance from an anchor Matchable in the matchmaking service. If more players are found, a GameInstanceUpdate is returned.
endOfLoopreturns a NewGameInstance or null at end of the matchmaking loop to either create a new game instance with the anchor Matchable, or exit the matchmaking process.

Matchmaking Service SDK Methods #

The table below contains a list of the SDK methods relevant to the Matchmaking service. These methods are available via the GameLoopApi.

LeaveMatchmakingAllows a player to leave matchmaking. Removes their whole party from matchmaking.
GetMatchmakingInfoV2Queries information on matchmaking queues.

Matchmaking Service RPCs #

The following list includes the Matchmaking service RPCs.

  • leaveMatchmakingV2
  • leaveMatchmakingServiceV1
  • enterMatchmakingV2
  • enterMatchmakingWithMatch
  • getMatchmakingInfoV2
  • RemoveGameServerVersionV1
  • RemoveMatchFromMatchmakingServiceV1
  • UpdateActiveMatchPlayersV1

Matchmaking Service Bindable Events #

Besides the typical RPC calls, there are several events that player clients and game servers can listen to. The following tables contain bindable events relevant to the Matchmaking service, along with associated descriptions of when the event is triggered.

Player client events #

The following events are handled by the player client.

FEnteredMatchmakingEvent OnEnteredMatchmaking;public event Action OnEnteredMatchmaking;The party enters matchmaking.
FLeftMatchmakingEvent OnLeftMatchmaking;public event Action OnLeftMatchmaking;The party leaves matchmaking.
FAddedToGameEvent OnAddedToGame;public event Action<PragmaId> OnAddedToGame;A player is added to the game instance. The game server is not yet ready.
FMatchmakingFailureV1NotificationEvent OnMatchmakingFailureNotification;public event Action<MatchmakingFailureReason> OnMatchmakingFailed;Player is removed from matchmaking.

Game server events #

The following events are handled by the game server.

FMatchTerminationEvent OnMatchEnteredMatchmakingEvent;public event Action<PragmaId> OnEnteredMatchmaking;The given active game instance enters matchmaking.
FMatchTerminationEvent OnMatchLeftMatchmakingEvent;public event Action<PragmaId> OnLeftMatchmaking;The given active game instance leaves matchmaking.