List of Pragma Plugins #

This topic provides a list of plugins provided with Pragma Engine, organized by service. For more specifics, see the API reference pages for each plugin.

Account service #

Account PluginHandle account lifecycle events like creation, deletion, and login.
Email Sender PluginSend emails, such as an address verification email.
Identity Provider PluginAuthenticate users against a third party Identity Provider.

Data rights service #

Data Rights Social PluginCustomize the social data (order history, friends list) sent to a player in their personal data package.
Data Rights Game PluginCustomize the game data (player’s inventory) sent to a player in their personal data package.

Fleet service #

Fleet PluginDefine a game server fleet management model.
Default Fleet PluginUse as a placeholder while setting up your Pragma Engine.
Local Process Fleet PluginUse when running servers on a local development machine. This plugin selects server pools based on game server version.
Pragma Nomad Fleet PluginUse when running servers on Nomad in a development environment. This plugin selects server pools based on game server version.
Multiplay Fleet PluginUse when running servers using Unity’s Game Server Hosting (Multiplay), but NOT using their fleet management services. This plugin selects server pools based on a Multiplay regionId.

Game Data service #

Login Data PluginPrepare the list of type DependentJob that will be executed to collect login data.
Default Pragma Login Data PluginUse as a placeholder while setting up your Pragma Engine.

Game Instance service #

Game Instance Host PluginDefine how to route a game instance to a host game server.
Game Instance Matchmaking PluginDefine custom interactions for a game instance and its players when entering matchmaking.
Game Instance PluginDefine custom interactions throughout the lifecycle of a game instance.

Inventory service #

As of version 0.0.99 Pragma recommends using the new Player Data service for inventory operations.
Crafting PluginDefine crafting behavior, enabling arbitrary inventory transformations.
Instanced Item PluginDefine the behavior of creating and updating instanced items.
Inventory Operations PluginGrant, update, and destroy items during match end processing.
Limited Grant PluginDetermine if player should be given a limited grant.
Reward Selector PluginDefine the behavior of rolling random rewards from RewardGrants.
Stackable Item PluginDefine custom behavior when updating a stackable item.
Store PluginDefine custom logic for store requests.

Matchmaking service #

Matchmaking PluginDefine all custom matchmaking logic within the engine. From here, the plugin author can manipulate every Matchmaking.Party as it enters matchmaking, as well as perform comparisons between two matchables, checking to see if a valid game instance can be made.
WarmBodyMatchmakingPluginUse as a placeholder while setting up your matchmaking logic. This plugin is an implementation of the MatchmakingPlugin interface and builds matches with any parties available based on the configurable Config.numberOfTeams and Config.playersPerTeam.

Party service #

Party PluginDefine logic within the PartyService

Player data service #

Player Data Lifecycle PluginInspect and modify player data on lifecycle events.

Presence service #

Presence PluginCustomize how player’s presences are updated.