Configuration Options #

Core Configurations #

pragma.config.CoreConfig #

Node-Wide Configuration

  • Configuration Values:
    clusterNameThe name of the cluster.StringminLength: 1
    nodeNameThe name of the node, to be used in nodeByInstanceId of distributedServices.StringminLength: 0
    openTelemetryServiceNameService name for open telemetry tracing.StringminLength: 0
    loggingLogback configuration options.Object of type LoggingConfigLoggingConfig
    portalUrlHostname of the operator Pragma portal web interface.StringminLength: 0
    enableHistogramMetricsEnables histograms for metrics. This uses a large number of tags per metric.Booleanoptions: true, false
    enableKtorMetricsEnables standard KTOR metrics for HTTP requests.Booleanoptions: true, false
    metricsDistributionExpiryDurationSecondsThe expiration duration for DistributionStatistics. See for more information.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    startupTimeoutMillisThe maximum time in milliseconds to wait during startup before forcibly exiting.Longmin: 0, max: 9223372036854775807
    shutdownTimeoutMillisThe maximum time milliseconds to wait during shutdown before forcibly exiting.Longmin: 0, max: 9223372036854775807
    distributedServicesMap of services running on each node.Map of Object of type DistributedServiceConfigDistributedServiceConfig
    remoteNodeConfigsMap object referencing all remote nodes to their host:port.Map of Object of type RemoteNodeConfigRemoteNodeConfig
    nettyPendingTasksCheckPeriodMillisHow often to check pending tasks and emit a metric.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    allowWorkInProgressAccessAllows access to methods that are works in progress.Booleanoptions: true, false
    enableVersionWithBuildSlugAdds a build slug to the version output.Booleanoptions: true, false
    shardIdThe unique uuid of this shard.UUIDv4
    serviceRpcTimeoutMillisThe maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a service to service RPC before terminating the request.Longmin: 1, max: 9223372036854775807

pragma.config.LoggingConfig #

Logback configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    rootLoggerLevellevel of the root loggerEnum LogLevelallowed values: OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL
    logFormatdefault log formatStringminLength: 0
    consoleLoggerEnabledenable logging to stdout/stderrBooleanoptions: true, false
    fileLoggerEnabledenable logging to fileBooleanoptions: true, false
    fileLoggerCurrentFilenamefile name (including path) to use for logsStringminLength: 0
    fileLoggerRolledFilenamefile name (including path) to use for rotated logsStringminLength: 0
    fileLoggerMaxFileSizemax file size for single log file before it is rolledStringminLength: 0
    fileLoggerRolledTotalSizeCapsize cap of all rolled compressed log filesStringminLength: 0
    loggerslogback log level per loggerMap of Enum LogLevelallowed values: OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL
    logLayouttype of layout to logEnum LogLayoutallowed values: TEXT, JSON

pragma.config.DistributedServiceConfig #

Distributed services configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    nodeByInstanceIdmap of instances of distributed services and the node they are running onMap of StringminLength: 0

pragma.config.RemoteNodeConfig #

Individual PragmaNodes and their gateway ports configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    hostthe host that the node is running onStringminLength: 0
    portthe port that the remote node is listening onIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647

Service Configurations #

pragma.datarights.DataRightsPollingServiceConfig #

  • Configuration Values:
    enabledEnables the DataRightsPollingService for collecting game data for data rights requestsBooleanoptions: true, false
    checkRequestsFrequencyInMinutesHow frequently the DataRightsPollingService should check for new data rights game requests.Intmin: 1, max: 2147483647

pragma.playerdata.PlayerDataDaoConfig #

InventoryDaoConfig configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigdatabase config for the inventory daoObject of type PartitionedDatabaseConfigPartitionedDatabaseConfig

pragma.gamedata.GameDataServiceConfig #

GameDataService configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    loginDataCollectionTimeoutTime, in milliseconds, to wait to aggregate login dataLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807

pragma.gateway.SocialPlayerGatewayConfig #

Social Player gateway configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    protocolprotocol of the host/portStringminLength: 0
    webSocketProtocolprotocol of the WebSocket host/portStringminLength: 0
    authenticateHostauthentication backend hostStringminLength: 0
    authenticatePortauthentication backend portIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    httpExpirySecondsexpiry length for HTTP sessions, expiration deadline is refreshed on each use of an existing sessionLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    notificationSendTimeoutMillistimeout for send operations to clientsLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    corsAllowedHostsList of hosts to allow for CORS AccessControlAllowOrigin. If not set CORS will be configured to allow any hostMap of StringminLength: 0
    enableXForwardedHeadersEnable X-Forwarded headers for this gateway, for security reasons only enable this if behind a reverse proxy. Disabled by defaultBooleanoptions: true, false
    socialHostsocial backend host advertised to clientsStringminLength: 0
    socialPortsocial backend port advertised to clientsIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    socialBindPortsocial backend port the backend binds to (if 0, defaults to socialPort)Intmin: 0, max: 65536
    devLoginQueueBypassEnable to bypass login queue token validation during player authentication or creation.Booleanoptions: true, false

demo.echo.EchoServiceConfig #

Echo service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:

pragma.account.config.GameDaoConfig #

GameDaoNodeService configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigdatabase config for the game daoObject of type UnpartitionedDatabaseConfigUnpartitionedDatabaseConfig

pragma.client.SocialBackendPartnerClientConfig #

Partner client configuration used to communicate with a Pragma Social backend from a Game backend.

  • Configuration Values:
    bearerTokenThe bearer token to use when making partner calls to the social backendEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    socialPartnerProtocolThe protocol to use for making social partner callsStringminLength: 0
    socialPartnerHostThe host to use for making social partner callsStringminLength: 0
    socialPartnerPortThe port to use for making social partner callsIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647

demo.stress.DelayedServiceConfig #

Delayed service config

  • Configuration Values:
    delayInSecondslag in seconds to introduceIntmin: 1, max: 2147483647

pragma.inventory.InventoryServiceConfig #

Inventory service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    enableDeleteAllInventoryDetermines whether to allow making a cache/db delete call.Booleanoptions: true, false
    enableDeletePlayerInventoryDetermines whether to allow players to delete their inventory.Booleanoptions: true, false
    legacyItemLoadBehaviorIf true, do not filter out items with invalid catalogId when retrieving items.Booleanoptions: true, false
    contentAccessByTagsContent filtering on player endpoints by tags.Object of type ContentAccessByTagsConfigContentAccessByTagsConfig
    inventoryCacheConfigConfig for inventory data cache.Object of type EvictingCacheConfigEvictingCacheConfig

pragma.multiplayer.MultiplayerConfig #

Multiplayer routing service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:

pragma.account.AccountServiceConfig #

Account service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    gameManagementPollingFrequencyInMillisfrequency with which Account service checks for updated game management dataLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    verificationEmailEndpointURL to send the verification email requests to, which is passed into the email sender plugin when templating your emailStringminLength: 0

pragma.session.SocialPlayerSessionConfig #

config for social player sessions

  • Configuration Values:
    missingHeartbeatTimeoutMillisamount of time the session service will wait for a heartbeat before expiring the sessionIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647

pragma.loginqueue.LoginQueueServiceConfig #

Factory for login queue behavior, driven by a feature toggle

  • Configuration Values:
    targetCcuLimitthe target maximum number of concurrent users logged inIntmin: 0, max: 2147483647
    targetLoginRatePerSecondthe target number of users to log in per secondIntmin: 0, max: 2147483647
    estimatedSecondsToLoginthe time between a user login request and the user gaining accessIntmin: 0, max: 2147483647

pragma.inventory.InventoryDaoConfig #

InventoryDaoConfig configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigdatabase config for the inventory daoObject of type PartitionedDatabaseConfigPartitionedDatabaseConfig

pragma.gameinstance.GameInstanceServiceConfig #

Game instance service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    gameReadyTimeoutMillisTime, in milliseconds, to wait for a game server to send a connect players request before releasing the players attached to the game instance.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    enableAbsoluteTimeoutEnables the absolute timeout that will release a game from the service after a specific amount of time has elapsed.Booleanoptions: true, false
    absoluteTimeoutMillisTime, in milliseconds, to wait before releasing a game instance. 0 or negative values means games will never timeout. Will be ignored if enableAbsoluteTimeout is false.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    enableKeepAliveEnables the keep alive interval requiring game servers to send a keep alive request in a specified interval or else the game instance will be released from the service.Booleanoptions: true, false
    keepAliveIntervalMillisInterval, in milliseconds, to wait between keep alive requests. This interval gets passed to the game server. Will be ignored if enableKeepAlive is false.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    keepAliveMissesLimitNumber of keep alive request misses before releasing the game instance from the service. Will be ignored if enableKeepAlive is false.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    reconnectSet to required, optional, or off to determine the player client behavior when recovering from an unexpected disconnect during a game.Enum GameInstanceReconnectallowed values: OFF, REQUIRED, OPTIONAL
    enableExtraCreateGameInstanceTimersEnables some additional timing metrics to diagnose performance issues within the CreateGameInstanceV1 endpointBooleanoptions: true, false

pragma.fleet.FleetServiceConfig #

Fleet service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    serverPoolManagementPoliciesConfiguration for each server pool policy.Map of Object of type ServerPoolManagementPolicyConfigServerPoolManagementPolicyConfig

pragma.session.SessionCache$DefaultGatewayConfig #

Default values before init

  • Configuration Values:
    protocolprotocol of the host/portStringminLength: 0
    webSocketProtocolprotocol of the WebSocket host/portStringminLength: 0
    authenticateHostauthentication backend hostStringminLength: 0
    authenticatePortauthentication backend portIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    httpExpirySecondsexpiry length for HTTP sessions, expiration deadline is refreshed on each use of an existing sessionLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    notificationSendTimeoutMillistimeout for send operations to clientsLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    corsAllowedHostsList of hosts to allow for CORS AccessControlAllowOrigin. If not set CORS will be configured to allow any hostMap of StringminLength: 0
    enableXForwardedHeadersEnable X-Forwarded headers for this gateway, for security reasons only enable this if behind a reverse proxy. Disabled by defaultBooleanoptions: true, false

pragma.gateway.GameOperatorGatewayConfig #

Game Operator gateway configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    protocolprotocol of the host/portStringminLength: 0
    webSocketProtocolprotocol of the WebSocket host/portStringminLength: 0
    authenticateHostauthentication backend hostStringminLength: 0
    authenticatePortauthentication backend portIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    httpExpirySecondsexpiry length for HTTP sessions, expiration deadline is refreshed on each use of an existing sessionLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    notificationSendTimeoutMillistimeout for send operations to clientsLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    corsAllowedHostsList of hosts to allow for CORS AccessControlAllowOrigin. If not set CORS will be configured to allow any hostMap of StringminLength: 0
    enableXForwardedHeadersEnable X-Forwarded headers for this gateway, for security reasons only enable this if behind a reverse proxy. Disabled by defaultBooleanoptions: true, false
    socialHostsocial backend host advertised to clientsStringminLength: 0
    socialPortsocial backend port advertised to clientsIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    socialBindPortsocial backend port the backend binds to (if 0, defaults to socialPort)Intmin: 0, max: 65536
    gameHostgame backend host advertised to clientsStringminLength: 0
    gamePortgame backend port advertised to clientsIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    gameBindPortgame backend port the backend binds to (if 0, defaults to gamePort)Intmin: 0, max: 65536

pragma.account.config.AccountDaoConfig #

AccountDaoNode service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigdatabase config for the account daoObject of type UnpartitionedDatabaseConfigUnpartitionedDatabaseConfig

pragma.friend.FriendServiceConfig #

Friend service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    maxFriendListSizeMaximum size of friends list for a player. Default value: 400.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    maxPendingSentInvitesMaximum size of pending sent invites for a player. Default value: 20.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    maxPendingReceivedInvitesLimit on the amount of friend invites a player can receive. Default value: 20Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    enablePresenceUpdatesWhether or not to ignore any changes to a player’s presence. Presence clearing through logging out will still be in effect and still send notifications.Booleanoptions: true, false
    friendListCacheConfigConfiguration of caching behavior for the friend service database.Object of type EvictingCacheConfigEvictingCacheConfig
    identityCacheConfigConfiguration for caching player identity data retrieved from the account service.Object of type EvictingCacheConfigEvictingCacheConfig
    enableIntegrationTestDeleteFriendDataWhether the integration test only endpoint to delete a user’s
    friend data is enabled. If not enabled, the endpoint will not work. This config option and endpoint will be deleted when
    DataRightsRpc fully supports account deletion.Booleanoptions: true, false

pragma.playerdata.PlayerDataServiceConfig #

Configuration for the PlayerData Service

  • Configuration Values:
    cacheConfigconfig for the player data cacheObject of type EvictingCacheConfigEvictingCacheConfig

pragma.payment.PaymentDaoConfig #

Configuration for the PaymentDaoNodeService

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigthe database config for the payment daoObject of type PartitionedDatabaseConfigPartitionedDatabaseConfig

pragma.gateway.SocialOperatorGatewayConfig #

Social Operator gateway configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    protocolprotocol of the host/portStringminLength: 0
    webSocketProtocolprotocol of the WebSocket host/portStringminLength: 0
    authenticateHostauthentication backend hostStringminLength: 0
    authenticatePortauthentication backend portIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    httpExpirySecondsexpiry length for HTTP sessions, expiration deadline is refreshed on each use of an existing sessionLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    notificationSendTimeoutMillistimeout for send operations to clientsLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    corsAllowedHostsList of hosts to allow for CORS AccessControlAllowOrigin. If not set CORS will be configured to allow any hostMap of StringminLength: 0
    enableXForwardedHeadersEnable X-Forwarded headers for this gateway, for security reasons only enable this if behind a reverse proxy. Disabled by defaultBooleanoptions: true, false
    socialHostsocial backend host advertised to clientsStringminLength: 0
    socialPortsocial backend port advertised to clientsIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    socialBindPortsocial backend port the backend binds to (if 0, defaults to socialPort)Intmin: 0, max: 65536

pragma.telemetry.db.TelemetryDaoConfig #

DbTelemetryDao configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigDatabase configuration for the game dao.Object of type UnpartitionedDatabaseConfigUnpartitionedDatabaseConfig

pragma.auth.TokenConfig #

Token validator service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    jwtCurrentKeysThe public and private keys used to validate and sign JWTsObject of type KeyPairConfigKeyPairConfig
    jwtRotatedPublicKeysAdditional public keys used to validate JWTsMap of StringminLength: 1
    playerTokenExpirationMinuteslength of time the player token is valid for (minutes)Doublemin: 4.9E-324, max: 1.7976931348623157E308
    playerTokenRefreshMinutestime before the player token expires that we tell clients to refreshLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    playerTokenRefreshVarianceWindowMinutesvariance in refresh time to smooth the refresh load over timeLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    partnerExpirationHourslength of time the partner token is valid for (hours)Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    operatorExpirationMinuteslength of time the operator token is valid for (minutes)Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    emailTokenExpirationMinuteslength of time the email validation token is valid for (minutes)Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807

pragma.telemetry.TelemetryServiceConfig #

The Telemetry service collects events and forwards them to a configured data store.

  • Configuration Values:

pragma.gateway.GamePartnerGatewayConfig #

Game Partner gateway configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    protocolprotocol of the host/portStringminLength: 0
    webSocketProtocolprotocol of the WebSocket host/portStringminLength: 0
    authenticateHostauthentication backend hostStringminLength: 0
    authenticatePortauthentication backend portIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    httpExpirySecondsexpiry length for HTTP sessions, expiration deadline is refreshed on each use of an existing sessionLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    notificationSendTimeoutMillistimeout for send operations to clientsLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    corsAllowedHostsList of hosts to allow for CORS AccessControlAllowOrigin. If not set CORS will be configured to allow any hostMap of StringminLength: 0
    enableXForwardedHeadersEnable X-Forwarded headers for this gateway, for security reasons only enable this if behind a reverse proxy. Disabled by defaultBooleanoptions: true, false
    socialHostsocial backend host advertised to clientsStringminLength: 0
    socialPortsocial backend port advertised to clientsIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    socialBindPortsocial backend port the backend binds to (if 0, defaults to socialPort)Intmin: 0, max: 65536
    gameHostgame backend host advertised to clientsStringminLength: 0
    gamePortgame backend port advertised to clientsIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    gameBindPortgame backend port the backend binds to (if 0, defaults to gamePort)Intmin: 0, max: 65536

pragma.matchmaking.MatchmakingConfig #

Matchmaking service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    matchmakingDelayMillisDelay, in milliseconds, between matchmaking runs.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    enableGetMatchmakingInfoEnables the player-facing endpoint to retrieve operational info about the matchmaking service.Booleanoptions: true, false
    enableExtraEnterMatchmakingTimersEnables some additional timing metrics to diagnose performance issues within the EnterMatchmakingV2 endpointBooleanoptions: true, false
    divertResultsToMatchmakingSimulatorFlag used to divert all matchmaking results to matchmaking simulator. This takes priority over sampleMatchResults if set to true.Booleanoptions: true, false
    sampleMatchResultsPercent chance (from 0 - 1) to divert results to matchmaking simulator.Doublemin: 4.9E-324, max: 1.7976931348623157E308

pragma.account.config.UnsafeIdentityDaoConfig #

UnsafeIdentityDaoNode service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigdatabase config for the unsafe identity providerObject of type UnpartitionedDatabaseConfigUnpartitionedDatabaseConfig
    canAuthenticatecan be used to authenticate playersBooleanoptions: true, false
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false

pragma.datarights.config.DataRightsDaoConfig #

DataRightsDaoNode service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigdatabase config for the data rights daoObject of type UnpartitionedDatabaseConfigUnpartitionedDatabaseConfig

pragma.payment.PaymentServiceConfig #

Configuration for the PaymentService

  • Configuration Values:

pragma.datarights.DataRightsServiceConfig #

Data rights configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    includeGameDataReportsWhether or not to include game data reports in the data rights data package. By default, only account data will be included.Booleanoptions: true, false
    waitingPeriodInDaysWaiting period delays before performing certain data rights actions.Object of type DataRightsWaitingPeriodConfigDataRightsWaitingPeriodConfig
    downloadLinkLifespanInDaysNumber of days beyond the waiting period the player has access to their personal data package before the link expires.
    Will always be at least downloadLinkLifespanInDays.Intmin: 0, max: 2147483647
    downloadEndpointEndpoint used by players to download their personal data package.StringminLength: 0

pragma.gameshardcache.GameShardCacheConfig #

  • Configuration Values:
    cacheRefreshSecondsThe frequency at which the GameShardCacheNodeService updates the game shard information.Longmin: 1, max: 9223372036854775807

demo.loadtesting.LoadTestingGameServerServiceConfig #

Load Testing Game Server Configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    capacityPerServeramount of matches a server can run concurrentlyIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    partnerConnectionInfoPragma Engine partner connection info for games to report their existenceObject of type PartnerConnectionInfoConfigPartnerConnectionInfoConfig
    clientInitialHeartbeatPeriodMillisheartbeat period used when the server has not yet respondedLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    matchLauncherThe fully qualified name of the match launcher classStringminLength: 0

pragma.gateway.BackendGatewayConfig #

Backend gateway configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    portport utilized for service-to-service communicationIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647

pragma.matchmakingsimulator.MatchmakingSimulatorConfig #

Matchmaking Simulator service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    enableMatchGenerationEnables simulate matchmakingBooleanoptions: true, false

pragma.databases.SharedDatabaseConfigServiceConfig #

Configuration lookup for all database connections

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigsByIdentifiermap of database connectionsMap of Object of type SharedDatabaseConfigSharedDatabaseConfig

pragma.session.GamePlayerSessionConfig #

config for game player sessions

  • Configuration Values:
    missingHeartbeatTimeoutMillisamount of time the session service will wait for a heartbeat before expiring the sessionIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647

pragma.gateway.GamePlayerGatewayConfig #

Game Player gateway configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    protocolprotocol of the host/portStringminLength: 0
    webSocketProtocolprotocol of the WebSocket host/portStringminLength: 0
    authenticateHostauthentication backend hostStringminLength: 0
    authenticatePortauthentication backend portIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    httpExpirySecondsexpiry length for HTTP sessions, expiration deadline is refreshed on each use of an existing sessionLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    notificationSendTimeoutMillistimeout for send operations to clientsLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    corsAllowedHostsList of hosts to allow for CORS AccessControlAllowOrigin. If not set CORS will be configured to allow any hostMap of StringminLength: 0
    enableXForwardedHeadersEnable X-Forwarded headers for this gateway, for security reasons only enable this if behind a reverse proxy. Disabled by defaultBooleanoptions: true, false
    socialHostsocial backend host advertised to clientsStringminLength: 0
    socialPortsocial backend port advertised to clientsIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    socialBindPortsocial backend port the backend binds to (if 0, defaults to socialPort)Intmin: 0, max: 65536
    gameHostgame backend host advertised to clientsStringminLength: 0
    gamePortgame backend port advertised to clientsIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    gameBindPortgame backend port the backend binds to (if 0, defaults to gamePort)Intmin: 0, max: 65536 #

Party service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    maxPlayersPerPartyMaximum players allowed in each party.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    disableMaxPlayerCountWhether to disable maximum player count limits in each party.Booleanoptions: true, false
    enableLocalGameServerVersionsWhether to allow local game clients to override their game server version for local development purposes.Booleanoptions: true, false
    repeatInviteDelaySecondsDefines the delay between a player inviting another player consecutive times.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    inventoryTagsToIncludeTags used to filter player inventories, and items that match one or more tags will be included.Map of StringminLength: 0
    enableTransferPartyLeaderWhether to transfer party leader status from one to another when invoking AssignPartyLeaderV1.Booleanoptions: true, false
    enableGameServerVersionDefaultIf enabled, send the default game server version for clients not in gameServerVersionCompatibility map.Booleanoptions: true, false
    gameServerVersionDefaultDefault game server version for clients not in gameServerVersionCompatibility map. used if enableGameServerVersionDefault is true.StringminLength: 0
    gameServerVersionCompatibilityMap of all the server versions to compatible game client versions configuration.Map of Object of type GameServerVersionCompatibilityGameServerVersionCompatibility
    enableStalePartyExpirationEnables the destruction of a party that have lived for a long time. This is to ensure we do not leak parties and players in the worst case.Booleanoptions: true, false
    stalePartyExpirationMinutesTime, in minutes, to wait before terminating a party. 0 or negative values means parties will never timeout. Will be ignored if enableStalePartyExpiration is false.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647

pragma.friend.dao.FriendDaoConfig #

FriendDaoConfig configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    databaseConfigdatabase config for the friend daoObject of type PartitionedDatabaseConfigPartitionedDatabaseConfig

pragma.gateway.SocialPartnerGatewayConfig #

Social Partner gateway configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    protocolprotocol of the host/portStringminLength: 0
    webSocketProtocolprotocol of the WebSocket host/portStringminLength: 0
    authenticateHostauthentication backend hostStringminLength: 0
    authenticatePortauthentication backend portIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    httpExpirySecondsexpiry length for HTTP sessions, expiration deadline is refreshed on each use of an existing sessionLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    notificationSendTimeoutMillistimeout for send operations to clientsLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    corsAllowedHostsList of hosts to allow for CORS AccessControlAllowOrigin. If not set CORS will be configured to allow any hostMap of StringminLength: 0
    enableXForwardedHeadersEnable X-Forwarded headers for this gateway, for security reasons only enable this if behind a reverse proxy. Disabled by defaultBooleanoptions: true, false
    socialHostsocial backend host advertised to clientsStringminLength: 0
    socialPortsocial backend port advertised to clientsIntmin: 1, max: 65536
    socialBindPortsocial backend port the backend binds to (if 0, defaults to socialPort)Intmin: 0, max: 65536

pragma.databases.DatabaseIdentifierSchema #

Database identifier to schema

  • Configuration Values:
    identifierthe database connection settings defined in your databaseConfig per unique identifierStringminLength: 0
    schemathe database schema to use for connection settingsStringminLength: 0

pragma.databases.PartitionedDatabaseConfig #

Standard Pragma Engine database connection configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    driverwhich driver to use, default: MYSQLDBEnum DatabaseDriverallowed values: MYSQLDB
    usernameusername to useStringminLength: 1
    passwordpassword to useEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    hikariConnectionTimeoutMillisconnection timeout in millis for Hikari connection pool, default: 20,000msLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    hikariMinimumIdleConnectionsminimum number of connections to hold open for Hikari connection pool, default: 0Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    hikariConfigMaximumPoolSizemaximum connection pool size for Hikari connection pool, default: 10Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    hikariConfigIdleTimeoutMillisidle timeout in millis for Hikari connection pool, default: 300,000msLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    dynamicShardingSupportenables virtual nodes and sharding support, default:falseBooleanoptions: true, false
    columnNameOfPropertyToConsistentHashproperty to shard by (ie playerId)StringminLength: 0
    hostPortSchemashost and schemas by indexMap of StringminLength: 0
    identifierSchemasdatabase connection settings for each identifierMap of Object of type DatabaseIdentifierSchemaDatabaseIdentifierSchema

pragma.databases.UnpartitionedDatabaseConfig #

Standard Pragma Engine database connection configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    driverwhich driver to use, default: MYSQLDBEnum DatabaseDriverallowed values: MYSQLDB
    usernameusername to useStringminLength: 1
    passwordpassword to useEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    hikariConnectionTimeoutMillisconnection timeout in millis for Hikari connection pool, default: 20,000msLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    hikariMinimumIdleConnectionsminimum number of connections to hold open for Hikari connection pool, default: 0Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    hikariConfigMaximumPoolSizemaximum connection pool size for Hikari connection pool, default: 10Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    hikariConfigIdleTimeoutMillisidle timeout in millis for Hikari connection pool, default: 300,000msLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    dynamicShardingSupportenables virtual nodes and sharding support, default:falseBooleanoptions: true, false
    hostPortSchemaschemaStringminLength: 0
    identifierSchemadatabase connection settings for each identifierObject of type DatabaseIdentifierSchemaDatabaseIdentifierSchema

pragma.inventory.ContentAccessByTagsConfig #

Content filtering configuration on player endpoints by tags.

  • Configuration Values:
    hiddenContent filtering configuration on player endpoints by tags.Map of StringminLength: 0

pragma.utils.EvictingCacheConfig #

Config for evicting cache.

  • Configuration Values:
    maxTimeBetweenAccessMillisIf an entry has not been accessed in this amount of time, it is a candidate for removal in the next eviction sweep.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    sizeBeforeExpirationEnforcedSize of cache before eviction sweeping will start removing entries.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    sweepIntervalMillisInterval, in milliseconds, between sweep calls for the cache.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807

pragma.fleet.ServerPoolManagementPolicyConfig #

Configuration for a server pool management policy.

  • Configuration Values:
    idIdentifier for this server pool management policy.StringminLength: 0
    gameCapacityPerServerMaximum number of games that can run on a single game server. Must be at least 1.Intmin: 1, max: 2147483647
    capacityFloorMinimum number of game capacity to be allocated at all times.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    capacityCeilingMaximum number of game capacity to be allocated at all times.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    capacityBufferDesired available game capacity defined as a percentage of used game capacity.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    serverMaxStartDurationMillisMaximum duration, in milliseconds, a game server can take to start before the allocation is declared failed.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    serverHeartbeatPeriodMillisExpected heartbeat period a game server should report its state.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    serverHeartbeatExpiryFactorNumber, as a float, of heartbeats before a game server is considered timed out.Doublemin: 4.9E-324, max: 1.7976931348623157E308
    gameCapacityResolvedTimeoutMillisMaximum duration, in milliseconds, the platform will wait for capacity to resolve for a game instance before ejecting it.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807

pragma.auth.KeyPairConfig #

Public and Private Keys

  • Configuration Values:
    publicPublic key used to validate JWTsStringminLength: 1
    privatePrivate key used to sign JWTsEncryptedStringminLength: 1

pragma.datarights.DataRightsWaitingPeriodConfig #

Data rights waiting period configurations.

  • Configuration Values:
    accountDeletionNumber of days to wait before actually deleting the player account.Intmin: 0, max: 2147483647
    personalDataNumber of days to wait before the personal data package is sent to the player.Intmin: 0, max: 2147483647

pragma.fleet.PartnerConnectionInfoConfig #

Connection configuration for Pragma Partner endpoints.

  • Configuration Values:
    protocolPragma Engine partner protocol (http/https)StringminLength: 0
    hostPragma Engine partner host nameStringminLength: 0
    portPragma Engine partner portIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647

pragma.databases.SharedDatabaseConfig #

Database identifier config

  • Configuration Values:
    usernameusername to useStringminLength: 1
    passwordpassword to useEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    hosthostStringminLength: 0
    portportIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647 #

Map of server version to compatible client versions configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    serverVersionGame server version string, must not be empty.StringminLength: 0
    clientVersionsGame client versions supported by this game server version.Map of StringminLength: 0

Plugin Configurations #

pragma.inventory.SteamEntitlementConfig #

Steam entitlement provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    appConfigSteam app configuration for entitlement processing.Object of type SteamAppConfigSteamAppConfig

demo.account.FakeAuthIdentityProviderPlugin$Config #

Fake Auth Identity Provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    identityProviderThe string name of the id provider this is fakingStringminLength: 0

pragma.gateway.FilePortalModulePlugin$Config #

File Portal Router plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    portalSourceThe path to the portal resource files.StringminLength: 0
    redirectSignInToSocialCan be used to disable the social sign-in redirect.Booleanoptions: true, false
    contentA map of values to make available to the portal.Map of StringminLength: 0

pragma.fleet.MultiplayFleetPlugin$Config #

MultiplayClientNode service configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    capacityPerServerAmount of matches a server can run concurrentlyIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    fleetIdFleetId for Multiplay API callsStringminLength: 0
    projectGuidProject GUID for Multiplay API callsStringminLength: 0
    accessKeyClanforge Access Key for signing REST API calls to MultiplayStringminLength: 0
    secretAccessKeyClanforge Secret Access Key for signing REST API calls to MultiplayEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    useAllocateV2Feature toggle to enable using Multiplay AllocateV2Booleanoptions: true, false
    pragmaGamePartnerBackendAddressTells the Multiplay game server where the Pragma Game Partner gateway is, and is only used when AllocateV2 is enabledStringminLength: 0
    gameServerZoneToMultiplayRegionIdMap of gameServerZone to Multiplay region idMap of StringminLength: 0
    serverPoolConfigsConfiguration data for unique Multiplay profilesMap of Object of type ServerPoolConfigServerPoolConfig
    pragmaBackendAddressParamName of pragma backend address parameter in Multiplay allocation payload. Default value: pragmaBackendAddressStringminLength: 0
    serverPoolIdParamName of server pool id parameter in Multiplay allocation payload. Default value: serverPoolIdStringminLength: 0
    gameTokenParamName of game token parameter in Multiplay allocation payload. Default value: gameTokenStringminLength: 0
    socialTokenParamName of social token parameter in Multiplay allocation payload. Default value: socialTokenStringminLength: 0

pragma.account.GoogleIdentityProviderPlugin$Config #

Google Identity Provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    allowedDomainsA map of domains that are allowed to use Google to authenticate (e.g. of StringminLength: 0
    clientSecretyour app’s secret key (provided by Google)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    clientIdyour app’s id (provided by Google)StringminLength: 0
    redirectUriyour app’s redirect URI, as defined with GoogleStringminLength: 0

pragma.account.config.OidcIdProviderConfig #

OIDC Identity Provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    authorizationUriyour app’s user info urlStringminLength: 0
    tokenUriyour app’s authorization token urlStringminLength: 0
    userInfoUriyour app’s user info urlStringminLength: 0
    clientSecretyour app’s secret keyEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    clientIdyour app’s idStringminLength: 0
    redirectUriyour app’s redirect URIStringminLength: 0
    requireEmailVerificationwhether to require email verification for authorizationBooleanoptions: true, false

pragma.config.EmptyPluginConfig #

Empty plugin config for configless plugins.

  • Configuration Values:

pragma.fleet.LocalProcessFleetPluginConfig #

Generic Local Process fleet plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    processCommandFull command line including parameters run the process.Map of StringminLength: 0
    serverIdParamName of the command line param to append with the allocated server id.StringminLength: 0
    serverPoolIdParamName of the command line param to append with the server pool id.StringminLength: 0
    logPathParamName of the command line param to append with the program log path, and this will result in a file inside logOutputPath.StringminLength: 0
    logOutputPathPath to a folder where to redirect log output.StringminLength: 0
    maximumLocalServersMaximum number of local servers this provider can support.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    portParamName of the command line param to append with the allocated host port value.StringminLength: 0
    minPortMinimum value of the game server host port.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    maxPortMaximum value of the game server host port.Intmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    serverPoolConfigsServer pool configurations.Map of Object of type LocalProcessServerPoolConfigLocalProcessServerPoolConfig

pragma.account.config.UnsafeIdProviderConfig #

Unsafe Provider configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false

pragma.account.config.TwitchIdProviderConfig #

Twitch Id Provider configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    clientSecretyour app’s secret key (provided by Twitch)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    clientIdyour app’s id (provided by Twitch)StringminLength: 0
    redirectUriyour app’s redirect URI, as defined with TwitchStringminLength: 0

pragma.payment.steam.SteamPaymentConfig #

Steam payment plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    appConfigSteam app config for payment processingObject of type SteamAppConfigSteamAppConfig
    defaultCurrencyCodethe default currency code to use when a player’s configured currency is not configured for a product entry.Enum CurrencyCodeallowed values: UNUSED_CURRENCY, USD, EUR, CAD, AED, ARS, AUD, BRL, CHF, CLP, CNY, COP, CRC, GBP, HKD, ILS, IDR, INR, JPY, KRW, KWD, KZT, MXN, MYR, NOK, NZD, PEN, PHP, PLN, QAR, RUB, SAR, SGD, THB, TRY, TWD, UAH, UYU, VND, ZAR, UNRECOGNIZED

pragma.telemetry.s3.S3TelemetryPluginConfig #

Configuration for the S3 Telemetry Plugin

  • Configuration Values:
    eventBatchSizenumber of events that will trigger a send. if the size is set to 10 and 100 events come in at the same time, a single send of 100 will be made. 0 means batching by size is disabledIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    timeWindowPerBatchMillisthe period in millis that the batch is sent to S3Intmin: 1, max: 2147483647
    s3BucketNamethe name of the s3 bucket to store telemetry filesStringminLength: 0
    shardNamethe name of the shard, e.g. prod, loadtest, test, local-dev, etc.StringminLength: 0

pragma.account.config.EmailIdProviderConfig #

Email Id Provider configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    privateKeyan encrypted private key used for encrypting emails in Pragma Engine’s databaseEncryptedStringminLength: 0

pragma.account.config.EpicIdProviderConfig #

Epic Id Provider configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    clientIdyour product’s client id (provided by Epic)StringminLength: 0
    clientSecretyour product’s client secret (provided by Epic)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    redirectUriyour app’s redirect URI, as defined with EpicStringminLength: 0
    restrictByCatalogItemOwnershipPrevent authentication if the player does not own the catalog item specified by catalogItemIdBooleanoptions: true, false
    sandboxIdyour product’s sandbox id (provided by Epic)StringminLength: 0
    deploymentIdyour product’s deployment id (provided by Epic)StringminLength: 0
    catalogItemIdyour catalog item’s id (provided by Epic, Audience Item Id or Game Item Id)StringminLength: 0

demo.fleet.LoadTestingGameServerFleetPlugin$Config #

Generic load testing fleet plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    serverPoolIdGame server pool id.StringminLength: 0
    managementPolicyConfigIdServer pool management policy config id.StringminLength: 0

pragma.datarights.DefaultDataRightsSocialPlugin$Config #

Data Rights plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:

pragma.account.SendInBlueEmailSenderPlugin$SendInBlueEmailSenderConfig #

EmailSender plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    providerAPIKeythe API key that will enable you to send emails with your providerEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    apiUrlbase URL for the provider API to interact withStringminLength: 0
    routethe HTTP route for the providerStringminLength: 0
    verificationTemplateIdid of the email template to sendStringminLength: 0
    fromEmailverified email address associated with the account in sendinblue that this email will be sent fromStringminLength: 0
    fromNamename displayedStringminLength: 0

pragma.gateway.PostmanRoutePlugin$Config #

Postman Route Plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    pathToPostmanFilespath to postman filesStringminLength: 0
    collectionNamepath to postman filesStringminLength: 0
    environmentNamepath to postman filesStringminLength: 0

pragma.metrics.StatsdRegistryProvider$Config #

Statsd metrics registry provider configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    flavorflavor of statsdEnum StatsdFlavorallowed values: ETSY, DATADOG, TELEGRAF, SYSDIG
    hosthost to send statsStringminLength: 0
    portport to send statsIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    protocolprotocol to send statsEnum StatsdProtocolallowed values: UDP, UDS_DATAGRAM, TCP
    maxPacketLengthmax packet length to send statsIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    pollingFrequencySecondspolling frequency to send statsIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    stepSecondsstep size to compute windowed statisticsIntmin: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
    publishUnchangedMeterswhether to publish unchanged metersBooleanoptions: true, false
    bufferedwhether to buffer metrics sentBooleanoptions: true, false

pragma.metrics.DatadogRegistryProvider$Config #

Datadog metrics registry provider configuration

  • Configuration Values:
    apiKeyDatadog API keyEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    applicationKeyDatadog application keyEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    descriptionswhether to send descriptions metadataBooleanoptions: true, false
    hostTaghost tag when shipping metricsStringminLength: 0
    uriURI to ship metrics toStringminLength: 0 #

Xbox Entitlement Provider configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    businessPartnerCertificateThe base64 encoded Business Partner certificate.EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    businessPartnerPrivateKeyPasswordThe password to decrypt the BusinessPartner private key.EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    relyingPartyCertificateThe base64 encoded RelyingParty certificate.StringminLength: 0
    relyingPartyPrivateKeyThe base64 encoded RelyingParty private key.EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    privateKeyPasswordThe password to decrypt the private key.EncryptedStringminLength: 0

pragma.fleet.NomadFleetPlugin$Config #

Pragma Engine Nomad fleet provider configuration.

demo.account.DemoIdentityProviderPlugin$Config #

Demo Identity Provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false

demo.account.DemoExtIdentityProviderPlugin$Config #

Demo Ext Identity Provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false

pragma.account.config.DiscordIdProviderConfig #

Discord Id Provider configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    clientSecretyour app’s secret key (provided by Discord)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    clientIdyour app’s id (provided by Discord)StringminLength: 0
    guildIdyour guild id, also known as server idStringminLength: 0
    redirectUriyour app’s redirect URI, as defined with DiscordStringminLength: 0
    botTokenbot token associated with your Discord Server’s botEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    allowedRoleIdsset of guild role ids that provide access to Pragma Engine social backendMap of StringminLength: 0

demo.datarights.DemoDataRightsPlugin$Config #

Demo Data Rights plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:

pragma.shared.SteamAppConfig #

Steam application configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    steamWebAPIKeyyour app’s secret web API key (provided by Steam)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    appIdyour app’s id (provided by Steam)StringminLength: 0
    restrictByAppOwnershipPrevent authentication if the player does not own the app specified by appIdBooleanoptions: true, false
    restrictByAccountBanPrevent authentication if the player is bannedBooleanoptions: true, false

pragma.account.GoogleWorkspaceIdentityProviderPlugin$Config #

Google Workspace Identity Provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    allowedDomainsA map of domains that are allowed to use Google to authenticate (e.g. of StringminLength: 0
    clientSecretyour app’s secret key (provided by Google)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    clientIdyour app’s id (provided by Google)StringminLength: 0
    redirectUriyour app’s redirect URI, as defined with GoogleStringminLength: 0

demo.account.DemoAccountPlugin$Config #

Account plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    waitingPeriodInDaysThe number of days between name changes.Longmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807

demo.gameinstance.GameFlowGameInstancePlugin$Config #

GameFlowGameInstancePlugin plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    matchDurationMillisthe duration of game in millisecondsLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807
    matchDurationVarianceMillisthe potential variation above/below the defined match duration in millisecondsLongmin: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807$Config #

XBox Id Provider configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    relyingPartyCertificateThe base64 encoded RelyingParty certificate.StringminLength: 0
    relyingPartyPrivateKeyThe base64 encoded RelyingParty private key.EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    privateKeyPasswordThe password to decrypt the private key.EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    clientSecretyour app’s secret key (provided by Xbox)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    clientIdyour app’s id (provided by Xbox)StringminLength: 0
    redirectUriyour app’s redirect URI, as defined with XboxStringminLength: 0

pragma.inventory.EpicEntitlementConfig #

Epic entitlement provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    sandboxIdID of the sandbox to operate on.StringminLength: 0
    deploymentIdID of the corresponding deployment in the Epic Dev Portal.StringminLength: 0
    clientIdID of your client in the Epic Dev Portal.StringminLength: 0
    clientSecretEncrypted string representing your client’s secret in the Epic Dev Portal.EncryptedStringminLength: 0 #

Playstation Id Provider configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    redirectUriyour app’s redirect URI, as defined with PlaystationStringminLength: 0
    ps4ClientIdyour app’s id (provided by Playstation)StringminLength: 0
    ps4ClientSecretyour app’s client secret (provided by Playstation)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    ps5ClientIdyour app’s id (provided by Playstation)StringminLength: 0
    ps5ClientSecretyour app’s client secret (provided by Playstation)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    ps5EnvironmentHostThe playstation host url per environmentStringminLength: 0
    serviceLabelsService labels as configured on your App ServerMap of StringminLength: 0
    ps4TokenEndpointHostThe playstation 4 host url for getting tokensStringminLength: 0
    ps4UsersMeEndpointHostThe playstation 4 host url for getting user infoStringminLength: 0

pragma.inventory.TwitchEntitlementConfig #

Twitch Drop entitlement provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    clientIdID of your client in the Twitch Dev PortalStringminLength: 0
    clientSecretSecret of your client in the Twitch Dev PortalEncryptedStringminLength: 0
    gameIdThe game ID associated with the drops to syncStringminLength: 0

pragma.datarights.DefaultDataRightsGamePlugin$Config #

Data Rights plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:

pragma.matchmaking.WarmBodyMatchmakingPlugin$Config #

WarmBodyMatchmakingPlugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    numberOfTeamsnumber of teams required for the gameIntmin: 1, max: 2147483647
    playersPerTeamnumber of players required for each teamIntmin: 1, max: 2147483647

pragma.account.GoogleIdentityProviderBase$Config #

Google Identity Provider plugin configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    allowedDomainsA map of domains that are allowed to use Google to authenticate (e.g. of StringminLength: 0
    clientSecretyour app’s secret key (provided by Google)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    clientIdyour app’s id (provided by Google)StringminLength: 0
    redirectUriyour app’s redirect URI, as defined with GoogleStringminLength: 0

pragma.shared.SteamAppConfig #

Steam application configuration.

  • Configuration Values:
    playerLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for player login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    operatorLoginEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for operator login.Booleanoptions: true, false
    accountLinkingEnabledIf this id provider is enabled for account linking.Booleanoptions: true, false
    showPortalLoginButtonIf this id provider is shown in the portal login options.Booleanoptions: true, false
    steamWebAPIKeyyour app’s secret web API key (provided by Steam)EncryptedStringminLength: 0
    appIdyour app’s id (provided by Steam)StringminLength: 0
    restrictByAppOwnershipPrevent authentication if the player does not own the app specified by appIdBooleanoptions: true, false
    restrictByAccountBanPrevent authentication if the player is bannedBooleanoptions: true, false

pragma.fleet.MultiplayFleetPlugin$ServerPoolConfig #

Configuration for a Multiplay server pool.

  • Configuration Values:
    serverPoolIdGame server pool id.StringminLength: 0
    managementPolicyConfigIdServer pool management policy config id.StringminLength: 0
    profileIdThe Multiplay profileId for API callsStringminLength: 0
    regionIdThe region supported by this server poolStringminLength: 0

pragma.fleet.LocalProcessServerPoolConfig #

Configuration for a server pool.

  • Configuration Values:
    serverPoolIdGame server pool id.StringminLength: 0
    managementPolicyConfigIdServer pool management policy config id.StringminLength: 0
    gameServerVersionsGame server versions supported by this server pool.Map of StringminLength: 0