Pragma Engine 0.0.61

March 29nd, 2022

Features #

  • New endpoint for deleting a player group.
    • Description: We’ve added a new RPC endpoint for deleting a player group. The payload requires a playerGroupId.
    • Postman Path:
      • Social → RPC - Operator → Account → RemovePlayerGroupOperatorV1
  • ID Provider information updated on login.
    • Description: When users sign in via an identity provider, the platform updates the provider username to match the service username. This means that users will have up-to-date Discord/Epic/Steam username information based on the last time they logged in.
  • Player tags are now associated with social ID instead of account ID.
    • Description: Tags were previously linked to a player’s account ID, which is where content like PII are kept. As tags are not PII, they are now linked directly with the social ID.

Deprecations #

  • MatchLifecycleService strategy configuration has been moved. Configurations must be moved from serviceConfigs to pluginConfigs by patch 0.0.63.
OriginalReplacementRemoval Patch
   matchFoundBuilderStrategy: "CustomMatchFoundBuilderClass"
   notifyMatchAllocatedStrategy: "CustomNotifyMatchAllocatedClass"
  class: "CustomMatchFoundBuilderClass"
  class: "CustomNotifyMatchAllocatedClass"

Integrations #

  • Update MatchLifecycleService strategy class signatures on custom ext implementations.
    • Description: The matchFoundBuilderStrategy and notifyMatchAllocatedStrategy fields are being deprecated in favor of plugins.
    • Integration steps:
      • Update ext implementations to use MatchFoundBuilderPlugin and NotifyMatchAllocatedPlugin interfaces instead.
      • Update primary constructor to required plugin signature.
class CustomMatchFoundBuilderClass : MatchFoundBuilderStrategy

class CustomNotifyMatchAllocatedClass : NotifyMatchAllocatedStrategy
class CustomMatchFoundBuilderClass(service: Service, contentDataNodeService: ContentDataNodeService) : MatchFoundBuilderPlugin

class CustomNotifyMatchAllocatedClass(service: Service, contentDataNodeService: ContentDataNodeService) : NotifyMatchAllocatedPlugin

Bugs and Fixes #

  • Updated PragmaPartnerTokens to contain empty UUIDs.
    • Description: These tokens will have empty UUIDs for their player ID, social ID, and game shard ID fields. They will also no longer have warn messages prompting users to recreate the token when they do not have a game shard ID.