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game / pragma.matchmaking / MatchmakingService /

MatchmakingService #

internal class MatchmakingService( pragmaNode: PragmaNode, instanceId: <ERROR CLASS>, uuidProxy: UUIDProxy = UUIDProxy(), matchmakingQueues: MatchmakingQueues = MatchmakingQueues(), sessionClient: SessionClient = SessionClient(), partyClient: PartyClient = PartyClient(), gameInstanceClient: GameInstanceClient = GameInstanceClient(), timeProxy: TimeProxy = TimeProxy.defaultInstance ) : DistributedService, ConfigHandler<MatchmakingConfig> , MatchReleaser

The MatchmakingService is a game loop service responsible for matching players together using configurable queues. The service maintains a collection of all active matchmaking queues, which it constantly iterates through on a configurable timer (MatchmakingConfig.matchmakingDelayMillis) attempting to make a match using the matchmaking plugin.

Constructors #


fun MatchmakingService( pragmaNode: PragmaNode, instanceId: <ERROR CLASS>, uuidProxy: UUIDProxy = UUIDProxy(), matchmakingQueues: MatchmakingQueues = MatchmakingQueues(), sessionClient: SessionClient = SessionClient(), partyClient: PartyClient = PartyClient(), gameInstanceClient: GameInstanceClient = GameInstanceClient(), timeProxy: TimeProxy = TimeProxy.defaultInstance)

Functions #



suspend fun enterMatchmakingV2( session: ServiceSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.EnterMatchmakingV2Request ): MatchmakingRpc.EnterMatchmakingV2Response

Enters a group of players into matchmaking.


suspend fun enterMatchmakingWithGameInstanceV1( session: ServiceSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.EnterMatchmakingWithGameInstanceV1Request ): MatchmakingRpc.EnterMatchmakingWithGameInstanceV1Response

Enters a game instance into matchmaking. This endpoint is invoked from GameInstanceRpc.EnterMatchmakingV1Request and results in an Matchmaking.GameInstance being placed into a matchmaking queue.


suspend fun getMatchmakingInfoV2( session: PlayerSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.GetMatchmakingInfoV2Request ): MatchmakingRpc.GetMatchmakingInfoV2Response

Queries information on matchmaking queues.


suspend fun leaveMatchmakingV1( session: ServiceSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.LeaveMatchmakingV1Request ): MatchmakingRpc.LeaveMatchmakingV1Response

Called from PartyService when a player leaves or is kicked from a party. Removes the whole party from matchmaking.


suspend fun leaveMatchmakingV2( session: PlayerSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.LeaveMatchmakingV2Request ): MatchmakingRpc.LeaveMatchmakingV2Response

Allows a player to leave matchmaking. Removes their whole party from matchmaking.


suspend fun onSessionReconnected( notification: PlayerSessionRpc.SessionReconnectedV1Notification)

Notification handler for player reconnect. Removes parties in matchmaking from queue if any player reconnects.


open suspend override fun onSessionTerminated( notification: PlayerSessionRpc.SessionTerminatedForServiceV1Notification)

Notification handler for player disconnect. Removes parties in matchmaking from queue if any player disconnects.


suspend fun removeGameInstanceFromMatchmakingV1( session: ServiceSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.RemoveGameInstanceFromMatchmakingV1Request ): MatchmakingRpc.RemoveGameInstanceFromMatchmakingV1Response

Called from GameInstanceService when a game instance has requested to leave matchmaking.


suspend fun removeGameServerVersionV1( session: ServiceSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.RemoveGameServerVersionV1Request ): MatchmakingRpc.RemoveGameServerVersionV1Response

Remove a GameServerVersion from matchmaking. Any players that were in queue for game server versions being removed will be removed from the game loop and sent a MatchmakingRpc.MatchmakingFailureV1Notification.


suspend fun updateMatchmakingGameInstancePlayersV1( session: ServiceSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.UpdateMatchmakingGameInstancePlayersV1Request ): MatchmakingRpc.UpdateMatchmakingGameInstancePlayersV1Response

Called from GameInstanceService when players join or leave a game instance that is in matchmaking.


suspend fun updateMatchmakingGameInstanceV1( session: ServiceSession, request: MatchmakingRpc.UpdateMatchmakingGameInstanceV1Request ): MatchmakingRpc.UpdateMatchmakingGameInstanceV1Response

Called from GameInstanceService to update a matchmaking game instance with new data.

Properties #



internal val metricTimers: ConcurrentHashMap<UUID, Timer.Sample>

This collection of timers is keyed by both MatchmakingId and GameInstanceId, depending on what it is timing.